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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. I'm more confused about how a 21 year old isn't responsible enough for one. Back when I was 21 I was invading sovereign nations.
  2. I try not to preach vigilante justice but it's a lot of fun
  3. I saw Brett Favre and Jordan Gross will be in Charlotte
  4. If I see a kid with his parents and he's wearing a Batman or Superman shirt near me I like to tell them, "I do not believe you are Batman (Superman) I've seen him. He's much taller " Then they either run away or ask if they're real. Interaction with children scare me so I'll run away
  5. This might sound dumb, means it probably will, when trading players I know that money is not changed but what about bonuses and contract language? Is a new contract signed? For example a number of players have a no motorcycle clause. Can the Seahawks add or remove clauses?
  6. Wouldn't it be great if it was Tony Hawk? Probably wasn't because he would know better
  7. The Rams should change their name to the Coyotes for the way they trick teams out of their picks. For those that don't know the coyote in Native stories is the trickster. And if you live near them you'll know they're very clever. I watched one steal a bag of Doritos out of a work truck.
  8. You can burn 12,000 calories a day. And then when you come off the mountain going back to your car you run down a rabbit because you're so hungry. While holding it in your hands about to end its life it looks up with those terrified eyes you realize what a monster you've become and let it go.
  9. I think the van part makes it scary. But as an almost middle aged white male I keep my distance from all children. Want to show your approval? Give a thumbs up as you drive past and move on. I think you need a drone.
  10. You're the boy that had the reduction? We heard about you in the news
  11. I would like to introduce you to the mountaineering diet.
  12. I could go through 250 million way faster than Hardy could go through 13.
  13. Notice how the states at the bottom have higher obesity
  14. Dammit. On my phone it just said, 'cam' Look if you guys want to see the fight of the century you better come to the Jacksonville game. Space is limited.
  15. We're stealing your playoff hopes and give me those shoes too. They look nice
  16. I see you've learned a lot from that Patriots girlfriend
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