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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. I've found the source of Gettleman's power.
  2. Well that's why Stewart would be chilling with us. No need for him when you're up 45-2
  3. Someone get her a bigger top.
  4. How dare you bring facts into this! It's already dawn so we'll have to wait until tomorrow to meet on the field of honor
  5. If sunshine is cut who would you fugs hate on?
  6. Ooh goody now DWill fans will be Steelers fans
  7. I'm not sure any of the women there can support my weight I wonder how much of a fine it would be if Stewart just stayed with us in the pool for the 4th quarter
  8. This game is going to suck. We all know it. Jaguars fans will go home crying
  9. When does the schedule get released?
  10. I protest this because of not utilizing our own t-shirt maker
  11. I've been waiting for this. I'll bring 100% American condensate
  12. I really can't understand that decision at all. Couldn't get a deal done, franchise tag as a TE, he appealed, lost, signed a new deal before the deadline, and boom he's gone. It's deeply confusing to me.
  13. I don't venture to other boards. What is the sentiment towards Graham?
  14. It's ok because he's a very good blocker. Excuse me, my pants seemed to have suddenly caught on fire
  15. I disagree! Now going back to being GM of my FanDuel team.
  16. Did you call him the worst poster here? That's always popular
  17. You started this thread just to make this joke
  18. Oh sure it's good enough but what if they're in a house of mirrors?
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