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  1. I heard they wanted Washington Weasels, but ran into licensing issues with Congress.
  2. Early this morning at 7 AM as I was on the elevator going to take my dog out, and I got a twitter notification on my phone from the official Panthers account. It showed Rhule's fat face and the preview I could read said "The Carolina Panthers have decided to part ways with head coach..." I clicked to open it, with so much excitement. Black Tuesday I guess, but it felt like Christmas. But as the elevator went down, I lost signal. Once I got outside I furiously refreshed twitter, but the tweet had disappeared! I had just imagined it in my half asleep state, and I think it was probably this tweet that I misread: fug Rhule. That is all.
  3. Honestly you know what's more terrifying than a Rhule shitshow next year? Us getting lucky and falling ass backwards into 8 wins due to weak opponents etc and having Tepper keep Rhule for yet another season because "the process is working". It sounds crazy given how the team is playing, but remember we started 3-0 this year...
  4. Kinda wish there had been a "the process is 1000% working, you just cant see it" reference, but this is still comedy gold.
  5. Defense can't stop getting called for penalties they deserve, offense can't stop getting called for unjustified penalties
  6. Lololol at us using a timeout to change our minds about punting
  7. Are you fuging kidding me with these penalties. Good chance that that cost us the game
  8. I like how the fox infographic said field goal attempt at the bottom when they were lined up to punt lol
  9. Haven't posted on this site in forever (check out the outdated avi lol) but this is the most excited I've been in years... made me want to log in and post instead of just lurking here while I watch the game LOL
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