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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. Nice 1/1 tuka I guess now is the time to buy Stewart. That should be all the Star cards now. Face mask cards didn't last long thought those was pretty cool cards but no one makes them anymore.. I bought a 1/1 sketch card finally been wanting one for awhile not a Panther though.
  2. I have bought several items lately but very few Panther cards stocking up on potential star rookies with some risk like Barkley, Justin Blackmon, lots of Marcus Lattimore I love that guy anyway heres my Panther stuff one of my favorite sets green LCM's 5/5 need the 1/1 but dude wants too much I remember trying to find this card for Tuka and now there all over the place and a new personal favorite that will never see the light of day, Steve Smiths 2nd best rookie card need the contenders next I know I have more just cant find them in my bucket
  3. nice haul man! LOVE the green patch!! I see your single handily keeping the hobby alive!
  4. WOW!!! SUPERFRACTOR!!!! That is awesome that is Stars best card period!! Awesome pick up man you own the title of Star Super Collector now.
  5. Wow man. I missed a lot!!! That is some nastiness right there . I love those Smittys the face mask is awesome. . What set are the 4 Smith's from that Pannini had to mail them to you? So after cornering the Stewart market your going to crush the Star set, very nice. It's kind of like information overload don't even know where to begin. . Look at all those 1/1s that's crazy $$$!!! I do know this I want all your Smittys so when you go to sell or put on Ebay lmk.
  6. strange I can only post 4 images at a time or when I go to post it all disappears
  7. do we want to win this poo or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come the fug on!
  8. DWILL cost us a game and Stewart almost cost us a fuging game
  9. Tolbert saved us on that poo....GOD DANG STEW!!!!
  10. let Cam run this poo instead of straight up the fuging middle
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