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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. see the NFL is safe... I bet he just retired so he can get away from that shithole team
  2. I bet Philly Brown blows up this season becoming our #1 wr
  3. Jake Delhomme was a sought after FA that took the Panthers to the SB.
  4. Mark Davis is not happy Raiders used as Greg Hardy's leverage cident in their past, but it won't be Hardy. Hardy's agent is Drew Rosenhaus. “I’m saying that he’s somebody we are not negotiating with and I don’t believe we would be interested in at this point in time,” Davis said to Kawakami. “I can tell you this: It has not been brought up to me and it would have to come to me … " Both Bay Area teams have quickly backed away from any interest in Hardy. The 49ers said they didn't want Hardy, with general manager Trent Baalke saying there's "no interest that we’ve shown, nor will.  https://www.yahoo.com/sports/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/mark-davis-is-not-happy-raiders-used-as-greg-hardy-s-leverage-195946487.html .someone's lying
  5. That's awesome look forward to DWill to come back in a few years to retire a Panther. I'm curious when he is inducted in Canton will he go as a Panther or a Steeler?
  6. Bring him to camp see if it was the system or him. Nothing to lose
  7. I saw Michael pick up a linebacker and carry him 50 yards.
  8. I slapped my large South Carolina cock on my keyboard and typed this
  9. TOP WR FA LEFT Kenny Britt M Crabtree Percy Harvin Eddie Royal Nate Washington dont want Reggie Wayne Wes Welker- he would be perfect to replace Cotchery. anyone of these is fine with me
  10. Who doesn't randomly fly to Charlotte in March?
  11. Mccoy not happy he doesn't want to play for the Bills.... bills can back out. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/eagles-traded-best-player-create-201107116.html
  12. Wow and here I thought I was out of consideration.
  13. Cam was shot but as we all know bullets don't affect superman. right? Am I doing it right?
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