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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. I have more, just can't get to them without emptying the storage room. I have an Aaron Rodgers rookie auto in that box as well. I can't believe how much garbage I have as well. I did find some stuff I didn't even remember that I bought. Davante Adam's, Jimmy G.some Geno Smith..and others
  2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/165733479995?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YrbboWbMT5e&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=EUZFbHLYQoC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Good times look forward to Dr.Dan on Bubba tomorrow make excuses for the bucs
  4. Are we the best team in the NFL? I believe so, yes.
  5. I have Godwin and Fournette they need to get their poo together
  6. How about 2 number 1 draft picks and 1 MILLION DOLLARS!!! EVIL LOL
  7. Some no name guy drafted in the 8th round next year will be the next Joe Marino. Football talk.!
  8. How do I move on from this? I cant even look my wife in the face today only can focus on her backside. Smh.
  9. Boooooo!! What do we have now to look forward to each Sunday this season? Cmc was at least fun to watch. Thankfully I didn't buy a jersey
  10. I believe I still own this one. I traded, sold, gave away, bought back this card more than once.
  11. I used to collect my last card purchase was Christian McCaffrey rookie patch auto. I own 1 or 2 Smitty 1 of 1s.
  12. I liked that he actually threw the ball downfield, the int was just a bad bounce.
  13. 10 or 15 years ago I almost got a panther tattoo, im so thankful I didn't.
  14. The NFL cares about helmet hits unless its the Panthers
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