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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. Technically you could call a penalty on almost any play...so they chose that one. fug the Eagles and their fans.
  2. I'll sleep good tonight.... imagining all of those douches crying themselves to sleep.
  3. Watching the Eagles lose and knowing how deeply hurt their fans are....make me smile .
  4. Please welcome Steve Smith the new wide receivers coach of the Carolina Panthers.
  5. That Dom fellow sounds familiar. Did he play here once?
  6. Unless the QB is near lock to be a day 1 starter like Cam then pass.
  7. I have a story about this guy. I'll save it for another day.
  8. I try going to Bojangles once a week and ordering their new chicken sandwich. Every time I try to buy one same story we are out. I drive off. Irritating. I also go to BK to order a milkshake by my house but the machine has been broken for 2 years now. I just order it anyway to amuse myself.
  9. Never heard of him. I was really hoping we hired some 90 year old white guy with white thinning hair.
  10. Are you sure this is only for fun? I'm pretty sure that when I do this, I'm pretty positive this will happen in real life.
  11. Whatever he chooses it will be the reich choice.
  12. Let's be frank about this maybe he'll get this team reich.
  13. Well we have plenty of jobs available at the ticket office. he could land a spot.
  14. Most coaches are only as good as their QB is.
  15. I'm good with this, the way he turned the colts around is legendary
  16. I have written so many reports about people getting scammed by Venmo. Do not pay with Venmo ever unless it's for your prostitute or drug dealer.
  17. Our next qb is already on the roster. I was checking Ebay prices and Matt Corral rookie cards are $$$$. There is a correlation. eBay always knows.
  18. Wow, I was just looking at fish food on Amazon. I come here and I see fish food advertisements. This is like witchcraft, dude.
  19. No thanks, I just read he eats ice cream with a fork.
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