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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. Panthers are going to draft a qb who cares which one they are all the same. This is equivalent of going to Vegas and putting all the rent money on black.
  2. Whats up with all the sad tears? You guys were jumping up and down just the other day so we can now draft an unproven prospect qb with the 1st pick. This fan base ..smh. Just go tell DJ to go suck an egg, you're now the enemy.
  3. Sam Darnold will be our starting qb next season. The dude is a winner.
  4. I wanted a vet qb like Carr and see what this staff can do with a player like Corral.
  5. We could end up with a Vince Young or Zach Wilson, no thanks. The 49ers picked a stud last year in the final pick .
  6. I hate mortaging our future on the unknown. QB's are a crap shoot every once in awhile you get that stud like Cam or Luck but none of those type of guys are available.
  7. I'm confused on how this helps the Panthers. Yes we get the #1 pick, we will draft a new QB. But who is the QB going to throw too? McCaffrey is gone and traded Williams, oline is ok. Only good players left is RB Foreman and WR Marshall. Looks like the Jets/Zach Wilson scenario. I'm confused on how this helps the Panthers. Yes they get #1 pick, presumably they will draft a new QB. But who is the QB going to throw too? McCaffrey is gone and traded Williams, oline is not good. Only good players left is RB Foreman and WR Marshall. Looks like the Jets/Zach Wilson scenario
  8. Watch us draft the next Zach Wilson...smh You guys are not history fans of the NFL draft? this was a huge gamble.
  9. We could have gotten Lamar Jackson for cheaper and kept dj.
  10. Chicago won this trade they'll get the number 1 pick next year from us and trade it again back to us and we will keep this going for the next 50 years.
  11. I feel sick to my stomach. We have such a clueless f.o and fan base that loves this. None of these qbs are worth the 1st overall
  12. We need a TE like Schultz before another wr but I would not complain if we got him.
  13. I'm having trouble paying for eggs and now you want me to pay this dude? .. Nope.
  14. That would never happen in a million years. I would even bet that if it did happen I would kiss every Falcon fan with my blister-infected mouth.
  15. One last thing before I bounce. The half time show was horrible. Not one single music star joined the stage with Rhianna. I know she is much larger now maybe no one could fit next to her on that little stage.
  16. I was listening that all the high rollers were putting their money on the Chiefs right before the game. These Vegas guys always know who will win.
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