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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. Will Grier will be this season's SB MVP
  2. Will Grier starting off hot 4/5 44 yards 2 rushes and one for a TD. on the first drive
  3. That looked like it hurt. I'm guessing 2 weeks out before he returns.
  4. We need a 1st round pick. I'm curious what Chicago will do with their extra top 5 pick next season the one they got from us. We could trade them Matt for it.
  5. If we win 4 games this year I'll be shocked. I'll even eat a cheeseburger if I am wrong. Cheeseburger with catsup, mustard, pickle relish, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onions on a toasted bun.
  6. I bet we score 5 tds tonight.
  7. My mother, god rest her soul, took me to see this movie on opening weekend. I was 12 years old and nobody in my family but me wanted to see it. She surprised me and took me to the theater it was showing at the Pinehaven 6 theater in Charleston. That theater has been closed for almost 20 years now but that movie holds a special place in my memory bank. We didn't have a lot of money back then and I'm sure she had 0.0 desire to sit through that movie.but she did it for me..I loved the movie.i just recently watched it again.
  8. Bryce won't survive the season with our online. We need 1 more qb, not release any.
  9. Just got home didn't watch the game, how many TD's did Bryce throw?
  10. There are a couple Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace and Hingle Mccringleberry are two players that should be fun to watch.
  11. I was going to say haircuts but yeah those large penis scare me as well.
  12. AE was paid $2.2 million to ride the bench for 4 seasons. Not a bad deal. I'm sure he only got half after taxes and fees. Still better than most.
  13. You deserve a statue outside the stadium. When we beat the Bucs 40-3 clinched the division and Young was named MVP of the game my first thought was you predicting all of this success. In a few weeks we could be in the Super Bowl. Good job.
  14. My dog is the same way he wants to kill every cat outside and stray dogs. I bring in the kitty cat worried for her life and my dogs accepted her into the pack. Fast forward 8 months later and my cat is the ruler of the pack. Weird poo.
  15. I'm still all aboard The Ginger Express!! Choo choo!!
  16. I have been to a dozen home games. If we had a dome I would go to more games.
  17. We need a dome. I don't like the heat, cold, and rain and rarely ever seen the snow.
  18. There should be no referees at all. Only the QB can call a penalty.
  19. I've been shouting this since we traded and all I got was pooped on. Lol
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