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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. I'm a proud Bryce hater from day 1. I have the reprimands to prove it. I begged this team well on this board anyway to not draft him. I was pooed to death by a vast majority here.
  2. I'm more concerned now who is the ping pong champion in the locker room. SOME real some competitive stuff.
  3. This team has quit. We are awful on all fronts.
  4. i wanted Carr but the Huddle loudmouths pooed the sshit out of me. Lol.
  5. We are the worst team in the NFL. Liberals destroy everything.
  6. We have a topic on this already. Just look 4 to 5 threads below yours.
  7. My Sundays are about to become football free. Thank you Panthers. I should be making extra money instead of watching this garbage.
  8. Well at least the Panthers are consistent. Its a bad consistent but still consistent.
  9. We will never see him in a Panthers uniform again.
  10. I can finally get in after the draft.lol Let me look for scabs
  11. Finally, releasing the awesome powerness of Tommy "Terror" Tremble!!!
  12. I ran 4 mock drafts picking 11th. The best grade I got was a B. I'm always up to a challenge.
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