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About jasonluckydog

  • Birthday 04/21/1975

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  1. Good maybe the ginger community will back off now.
  2. I went to high school with this guy whose sister dated Miles' cousin when she lived in Atlanta when her parents separated. He said that she said Miles was not happy in Cleveland. Miles will play in Charlotte only if we make it to the playoffs. So, this makes me an expert on Miles. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm making several YouTube videos about this. Please like and subscribe.
  3. I passed out at the end of the 3rd quarter. I feel good about myself today.
  4. I was born in Philadelphia that number is low. I would say. 75 percent. I work in a large organization and live in SC. There are so many Eagle fans here, and these guys 75 percent are assholes. They give me shitt for being a Panther fan. I'm a traitor they say. I even like the Braves.
  5. Game about over if the Eagles score a td. I'm ready for bed.
  6. My dad walked out of the room . That Angel soft commercial got him or he isn't digging this show.
  7. Taylor should walk up and take the microphone.
  8. This is not music. A guy talking fast.
  9. This is great. I'm loving this game.
  10. Mahimes not going to win a MVP, lol
  11. I might me dumb. But I am somebody.
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