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  1. Helllllll no to Xavier Woods, anything but another year of him please.
  2. Best looking home jersey, I have no clue but ugliest Id for sure go with the Falcons, that thing is horrible. Best throwback, I like the kelly green Eagles.
  3. He needs to go. I’m tired of seeing him always trying to go for the knockout hits (which he doesn’t even do right most of the time) instead of wrapping up and missing easy tackles.
  4. And Brian Thomas Jr was 3rd in the league in yards lol
  5. Hard to improve catching skills
  6. https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/charlotte-fc-s-kristijan-kahlina-named-2024-mls-goalkeeper-of-the-year Definitely the most deserving, he's been nothing but incredible since he's been here. Will go down as one of the greatest in Charlotte FC history when it's all said and done.
  7. Yeah Young is playing better, but with this run game and offensive line play, he should have multiple TDs and over 250 yards already. He’s still not it and won’t be.
  8. Right, forget the PK decision, we should’ve still won 2-1 since there’s no way in hell Agyemang was offside.
  9. Worst officiating ever in any sports game in history. Should’ve been 2-0
  10. I mean it sort of happened back in 2017 when the Texans traded Brock Osweiler and 2nd round pick to the Browns just to get that contract off the books. I don’t think the Browns are stupid enough to give up even one 1st round pick to get rid of Watson but that’d be the only way for them. I guess the conversation really is more because of the fact that it is not impossible due to it happening before.
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