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Everything posted by Skack25

  1. They booed Dalton because Nagy refused to play Fields. We don't have that luxury here. I would still not touch Dalton with a 10 foot pole. Sadly, we are going to have to make Sam earn his money. He's going to be the starter next year.
  2. I’m holding out for Kingsbury at this point. Sadness.
  3. My 4 year old daughter doesn't know shiznit about foosball. But, she can ask me if the Panthers win and get pissed off when I say no. So that's fun.
  4. Ya'll ever notice.. how it's a very, very specific type of person that hates Cam? Or is that just me?
  5. Doubt I will. The #14 just isn't that compelling. Plus I'm not sold on him being the guy for more than a year or so.
  6. Wasn't the last game here against Philly the one where some jackass in 500 punched some 50 year old Eagles fan in the face?
  7. Having spent quite a bit of my lunch breaks (10 years ago) watching Vine videos.. Here are some useless tidbits: There is another Grier brother (whose name I can't remember) who is even more "famous" from making Vines. Also, the Luke Foushee kid... I'm pretty certain he is from Mebane, NC about 10 minutes from me, and was "popular" for doing voices like Optimus Prime on Vine.
  8. If this Watson fantasy doesn't come to fruition, I hope we are the ones shamming for Sam.
  9. I just hope we are at least considering the fact that NO is going to get a good QB in the offseason. There is no chance they roll with Jameis.
  10. Damn, they all look good. Nice work.
  11. Maybe lurker would be better suited...
  12. I'm new to the board (long time troll), but I would be interested in teaming up with some Panther fans on PS4. PSN: cackzooper.
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