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Everything posted by MedellinHeel

  1. Just a quick ranking i threw together 1. Brady 2. Manning 3. Rodgers 4. Wilson 5. Big Ben 6. Brees 7. Romo 8. Luck 9. Ryan 10. Rivers 11. Flacco 12. Eli 13. Cam 14. Tannehill 15. A. Smith 15. Cutler
  2. Wrong. I actually had KB in my re-draft right after the draft concluded lol. You are confusing me arguing his limitations with ppl trying to compare him to megatron and other WRs. KB can make for a great possession / redzone WR. However, he has to improve those hands first.
  3. I am a Cam supporter, I just aint blind to the fact that he still has a good ways to go to be the quarterback we/he wants to be. Still way to inconsistent regardless of what ever factors are causing it, which are many. And we are stuck with him for the good and bad. So for all our sake, lets pray he takes that next step up.
  4. But how many turnovers and boneheaded plays at key moments go along with those 30 TDs? To be honest I think Shula is really holding back Cam. But I do not see Shula leaving anytime soon so we are gonna need Cam to overcome Shula and raise his game to the next level.
  5. Their play is elite status. Well Luke's is. But he also can improve, but if he doesnt its ok because he is already one of the best if not the best MLB in the NFL.
  6. He has all the talent in the world. Just hasnt put it together yet and been consistent.
  7. So his play is of elite status? Basically doesnt need to improve much? Smh
  8. we both need proof to be mentioning man vs zone. one could argue you need it more for the man arguments as its well known most teams play zone and playing man against Cam is not very ideal with his ability to take off.
  9. Now lets compare that to the other games. Id wager we saw man coverage maybe 20-30% of the time throughout the entire season. Most teams run base zone D.
  10. So lets go back and see last year the percentage of teams running zone vs man against us. Pick a game and someone with season pass or whatever can check. Most NFL WR's run in the 4.4-4.6 range. Not a huge difference especially when talking about just going 5-15 yards. Now if we are talking about linemen then you might have a point.
  11. You generally dont get drafted in the NFL without having some athleticism and skills. We have players this yr who are athletic.
  12. I didnt realize being a middle of the road QB who is inconsistent makes one "great". Lots of great QBs in the league then lol He certainly without question has the potential to be great but he is not there yet.
  13. Shula just out right sucks and is incapable of stepping up. Cam on the other hand has all the tools and capabilities to become a great QB.
  14. Its the coaches job to teach the WR's zone concepts and routes to get them open. Now if most teams played man press you might have a point but most teams play mostly zone. The whole cant get open and its not our offense is a lame excuse. Its 80% due to our playcalling and Cam not being decisive enough and holding on to the ball to long.
  15. Under Chud our D was bad and Cam did help carry us. But, with those big numbers came picks and inconsistent play as well. Now with our D good Cam has cut down on the picks and yards but still is inconsistent. Cam is gonna get a mega contract so for our sake, we better hope he steps up his game.
  16. Cam needs to overcome Shula. He can simply make playcalls and hotroutes at the line and negate Shula altogether.
  17. I do not buy the offense being built around excuse. Instead of the 10+ yard routes and the 5 step drops you simply call plays of -10 yards and 3 step drops. Not sure what you mean by "threat". You are right, even if Cam is middle of the road he will still sign a new contract.
  18. Aint no one talking about being perfect. I am just talking about climbing out of the middle of the road QB statistics and simply becoming a better more consistent QB. Bad OL's can be worked around some what with a very short quick passing game. Ovcourse Cam isnt going anywhere. This year the OL play should be much better, hell was much better the second half of the year last yr. As I said, its getting time to take that next step.
  19. We have been hearing the "I / He needs to get better" every year and still we see the same problems and inconsistencies. It's time to put up or shut up. Or people to stop with the unrealistic expectations and opinions.
  20. Probably unlike most of the huddle, I am not 100% sure Cam can lead us to a Superbowl win or become that great QB we hope and expected him to be. He has been inconsistent since coming into the league. Yes, he has had some significant limitations (OL and OC) but OL should be much improved this year. I would like to be able to see him with an actual OC who has produced top 10 offenses but unfortunately, I do not see Shula getting fired due to our defense keeping all the games close. I hope I am wrong on that. So, Cam has to take that next step WITH Shula. As of right now, I am weary of investing the farm on a guy that is as inconsistent as Cam.
  21. I let Oher and Remmers fight it out during pre-season. Split the reps. Then who ever played better should get the nod.
  22. not sure about that, remmers did a good job at RT last year late.
  23. i do not see why a team would not sign him as a UDFA without second thought. if he is innocent than you got a steal of a century. if he is guilty, no problem, just cut him. no brainer.
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