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Everything posted by MedellinHeel

  1. Cam has been inconsistent in my eyes. He will have a couple bad drives then a couple good ones. Need to see more consistency from him.
  2. Well our O is in a world of trouble. I dont see us winning many games this year tbh.
  3. shula is straight trash. good god ill celebrate the day his ass is not calling plays
  4. i swear offense is looking pure trash. cam making poo passes.
  5. do the bills have an awesome OL? da fug, we aint getting any pressure
  6. how is the Fisher kid from Oregon looking so far? I wanted him pretty badly.
  7. all we need is a lockdown post defender and rebounder.
  8. Most SG's can play SF and visa versa.
  9. Kemba / Lin Batum / Lamb MKG / Batum / Lamb Frank / Zeller Al / Zeller / Hawes
  10. Well thats a different topic than "he has no post moves".
  11. I cant comment for how arrayed his post game is. But he certainly has the over the shoulder hook down pretty good. The games I watched, he was doing a much better job of attacking the basket and posting up instead of taking dumb 3's and fall aways (minus the end of the game situations)
  12. You clearly dont know what a back down over the shoulder hook is. Bron was doing that with regularity in the playoffs.
  13. ^^ Bron has some post moves brah. He was abusing that over the shoulder hook in some of the games I saw in the playoffs.
  14. ^^little to no mobility..... we watching the same player?
  15. He averaged 8 boards and game and 2 blocks. He will be average at worst in that department. rebounding is a lot to do with hustle and toughness. Frank doesnt appear to be that soft or lazy. Franks problem is he needs to add some more weight and know how to use / anchor his body and not be backed down so easily.
  16. Its really hard to find excellent SG prospects. The chances he turns into such is slim. One of the (probably is) hardest positions to find true studs. Go back and look at all the SG's taken early.
  17. First 11 are for sure. Those last 5 not so much.
  18. I am not sure an O with Oher and Remmers at the T position can be considered out of this world lol
  19. I am not really buying EVERY receiver being blanketed EVERY play excuse. How fast you are doesnt automatically translate to how much seperation you can get (especially talking about in just 3-4 seconds) or your route running ability. If that was the case players like Hill wouldnt be practice squad players. Most defenses play zone. Its more about calling the right routes, and the receivers running those routes and finding the open spot in the zone. This is the NFL. Most WR and TEs are athletic and all run in the 4.4-4.6 range. Most of this comes down to play calling, route running, and QB's ability to make pre snap reads and go throw his progressions quick.
  20. Protection problems mean he has to make quicker reads and get the ball out fast.
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