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the butch

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Everything posted by the butch

  1. If someone, ANYONE, could fill that WR2 position, that would push Funchess to the slot and we would be deadly.
  2. I use the app more than desktop browsing. It has become my go-to time killer. Who needs Twitter?
  3. I see the DE spot being much improved this year. Last year CJ struggled big time early in the season. Alexander was riding the pine after some boneheaded decisions. And we replaced Hardy with a second round rookie. 1. Alexander is back [and should be chomping at the bit. 2. CJ will probably be back in full form with a more cohesive unit, and we won't see the struggles like we did last year. 3. Ealy came on strong at the end of the season, and will carry that over to this year. As for ST, yeah, we DESPERATELY needed to upgrade the entire unit, and that's just what we did.
  4. The woman made me get rid of mine.
  5. Doesn't an apostrophe ruin the hashtag? #JustSayin'
  6. Not a big fan of trading away picks, but this draft was an exception. We had more picks than we could sign (with UDFAs still to go). And every trade has catapulted us up the draft board--solid value with that. Getting players we otherwise would not get. And outside of the OT, we're getting players that we don't need immediately, giving them time to grow within the system while contributing to ST in the meantime.
  7. Early season beach trip behind me, now I need to get back focused again. Went out of bounds with me diet, but I just got a new order of CLA in yesterday, and stocked up on a bunch of stuff from the grocery store. To those men and women that post on here that have ups and downs in your dieting/exercising, don't lose hope when you feel like you've gone too far into Cupcake Land to turn it back around. Anyway, just trying to be motivational. I have switched up my routine. Instead of doing the typical days isolating chest/back/legs/shoulders/tris/bis, I'm doing more full body stuff everyday with core and agility training thrown into the mix as sorta "rest" days. Keeping my workouts to under 45 minutes (typically under 30). Keeping rest periods between sets/exercises to 30-45 seconds. I have to back off on my weight load a bit, but I get my cardio this way, so it's a positive trade off for me since my knees won't allow me to run. Besides, having 22" biceps really isn't my goal.
  8. With TD and Luke staring down at him, I don't think we will see boneheaded penalties.
  9. I just worry about his mental steadiness. Sometimes having a leisure attitude helps given the NFL life--see Manziel--and sometimes it hurts given the NFL competitiveness. A lot to be learned yet from this guy.
  10. Joke all you want, but the Bucs are in some serious heat over this.
  11. Like the old saying goes, " you can't teach speed." The idea is that a player can develop awareness, hands, etc. as fans, therefore, we focus on speed, sometimes to the seeming exclusion of other attributes. The wise fan emphasizes 40 time in the context of overall talent without losing sight of overall skill. A lot of discussion gets hypfocused and dumbed down.
  12. This is the tip of the iceberg. Teams go to the extreme with their vetting players.
  13. I trust our front office for once on this one. Fair deal was offered. He didn't take it. So what. We move on, and it gives us more money down the road.
  14. DG wasn't GM when Cam was drafted. DG has made it abundantly clear throughout his GMing that the best player on the board is who his team is drafting. Your thread kinda sucks.
  15. I feel like salads are a waste, especially if you're trying to gain any kind of muscle mass. There is very little nutritional value in most green lettuce, and the salad dressing most people use is really lacking as well. Just my opinion. Brown rice/quinoa, Brussels sprouts/broccoli/asparagus, and protein with some cottage cheese/greek yogurt on the side should get you through an entire week of lunch. Protein bars [the low carb variety] for snacks. And do egg whites on a bagel/english muffin for breakfast. As for dinner, just go easy on carbs at night. If you REALLY want to cut your weight, start eating only 1600 calories a day and doing cardio 5 days/week. You will drop a TON and fast. Won't gain muscle that way, but it's the best way to get rid of belly fat if that's your sole goal.
  16. guys, guys....we made Ted Ginn, Jr. look good. Crabtree would be a massive upgrade over every WR we have save KB. He'll want more money than we would be willing to give, though.
  17. Spend big money on a FA when the entire NFCS is in rebuild? I don't think so. This is the perfect time to slow play it, draft well, and hopefully have Raider-type money in a year or two. All the while still making the playoffs.
  18. He WANTS to go to the Browns? This guy needs to be tested ASAP.
  19. eh. unless those are HIS words [it's a tweet from a REPORTER], I am disinclined to believe them.
  20. Long time family friends came into town, and we had a great night. Unfortunately for my diet, that means booze, hours d'oeuvres, big dinner, and dessert. Gotta get back in line.
  21. I don't know what type of gorilla women you are lifting to where you need all that strength...to each his own, though.
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