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Arroz con Panther

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Everything posted by Arroz con Panther

  1. Well, in the past month I've won $100 on a scratch off and won Madden 16 from Uber. Good things come in 3's, right? Also, I will hang this over my bed and it will be the last thing I see before I go to bed.
  2. No one knows....never listen to people on here unless it's posted from a reliable source. I personally don't think it's an achilles issue because he did hop around on it and you just can't do that with an achilles injury.
  3. See, but you actually explained it perfectly. You have the same number of words as they had yards and you finished it off with an "lol"
  4. Hopefully they get to re-kick that...I want to see Byrd fly. Edit: never mind, they don't want to see it :)
  5. Well, Fox just answered my question...there's Kalil on the bench.
  6. I didn't see it hit him in the chest, so I'll retract my statement.
  7. Who just said Kalil went down? Is that true? I didn't see it.
  8. How much money do you think they had to pay Luke to make those Pepsi commercials?
  9. Also, some of you people don't know when to NOT blame the players lol...that was great coverage on Brown.
  10. I think it would be fun to create a graph showing the highs and lows in these gameday threads.
  11. Did he go down though? I thought I saw him hobble. No one hobbles when they tear their achilles...they go down hard. Source: it just happened to my buddy a few month ago :)
  12. Well, I blame everyone who jinxed us by saying the injury bug hadn't touched us yet. But, in all seriousness, this sucks. I'm an optimist at heart, so I still have to believe in this team until later in the season.
  13. Sorry if this has been asked, but are referees at TC a new thing? I'm not sure if I've heard of it, but I think it's a great idea; especially for those players without the playing experience.
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