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Billy Love

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Everything posted by Billy Love

  1. Translation: I’m confident that Joey will be released as soon as a suitable replacement is secured! Very confident
  2. Joe Buck wants to have Troy’s baby!
  3. He did, but he knew I would!
  4. Easy. There has never been a more Exciting game in BOA than the 2015 NFC Championship. The stadium was rocking: literally and figuratively.
  5. Undrafted free agent signing in 2014. Started his career as a JAG and did very well for himself.
  6. HOPE was always the “failed” strategy of our previous owner, Ron Rivera and Hurney. If they taught us nothing else, they proved that HOPE is not a successful strategy in running an NFL team. The new Regime has shown they understand beginning successful requires: competence, planning and the ability to execute the plan. the ability to recognize when the plan needs to evolve is also paramount, this includes personnel decisions, game plans and in-game adjustments. FUG HOPE - let’s try competence and being prepared for once.
  7. Name an ex Panthers GM whose name rhymes with Farty. hint: he sucked really bad.
  8. depends on if he pulls out the flip phone like pop did.
  9. We’ve always heard about the strategy to use FA as a means be more focused and specific during the draft but we’ve never seen it executed in Carolina until this year
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