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Billy Love

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Everything posted by Billy Love

  1. Good. Hope he learns and grows from it. He's not as smart as he thinks he is, and the rest of NFL isn't as dumb as he thinks they are!
  2. If loving Cam is wrong, I don't want to be right!!!
  3. Sure the coaches see it, the owner sees it, the players see it and we the fans see.....opposing coaches and players see it too. We also see the coaches not doing anything about it on any level. So, what are we left to believe??? We can only assume this level of effort is deemed acceptable. And that is why fans are quickly loosing faith in Rhule and Tepper.
  4. Fuggin lollygagger. He did not touch anyone on that play. If I’m Rhule, I show that play to the entire team as a definition of Zero effort, zero pride. Immediately afterwards Irvin is seen cleaning out his locker and leaving the facility. No further explanation required. Message sent -
  5. Honestly, 2016 thru 10/28/2021 has been brutally boring as a Carolina Panther fan. Nothing ever changes, it’s been like long drawn out ground hogs day. We’re always promised the sunshine of tomorrow while being fed the SH!T biscuit surprise of the day. And we keep coming back for more with money in our hands. So I ask you my brothers and sisters, who’s the fool???
  6. Who needs an offensive coordinator, Rhule has a copy of the Baylor offensive playbook.
  7. I haven't given up on Rhule, yet. However, up until yesterday I was open minded and listened to his coach speak with optimism. Now, he's on a strict prove it to me, show me type probation. I really don't care to hear his preacher man motivational speaker bit any more...I'm done.
  8. Now you're just showing off with that fancy common sense thinking, Carl!
  9. Our current status is a combination of: piss poor coaching, piss poor offensive line and piss poor talent evaluation. Emphasis on the f#%^*< up offensive line. PSL’s have us fu$&:” too, ownership gets paid regardless of the trash product they serve us.
  10. I ran in to Steve Smith. He punched me the face and told me to FU#* off.
  11. A first degree 2nd half ass whoppin is what happened.
  12. NFL banned fire during intros. I can’t remember which team was involved but they started a pretty big fire during their pre-game.
  13. Shoulder sore from taking Covid vaccine, second dose made it worse. Can’t be a long snapper with a sore shoulder.
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