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Billy Love

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Everything posted by Billy Love

  1. It’s hard to have a “next man up” mentality when the coaching staff doesn’t know who the next man is, and in this case they don’t even know IF they have a next man. This is some bad news bears type poo. Totally embarrassing and if if we’re Tepper I would find this one event totally unacceptable as a professional coach.
  2. If this is true, WTF! What happened Rhule’s “positionless player” bullish!t?
  3. It’s being reported that Trubinsky replied, “you need to worry about fixing yourself and your own team first, biatch”
  4. No. He’s says “trust the process” “believe in the brand”
  5. I don't know about you, but I don't think I like Rhule's "BRAND, PROCESS & CULTURE"
  6. I can take more losing seasons than Rhule can deliver. So at least I know I can out last him.
  7. The guy paid $2,200,000,000.00 cash for an NFL franchise just for the opportunity to get an MLS team?
  8. You nailed it. The Panthers are going on 26 years in the league. The excuse that we're the new kids on the block and haven't been around long enough to have TEAM identity, culture and traditions are no longer valid. The premise that Panthers fans don't really know or understand football and are just happy to have a team are not true. We, Panther fans, are currently and have been historically loyal and supportive of this team. After all, it was the FANS that ponied up the money to build the stadium before we were even awarded a franchise. David Tepper cannot be and should not be held responsible for organizational success or failures prior to his ownership. David Tepper will be and should be held 100% responsible for his success and failure during his tenure. Mr. Tepper has made it very clear that he wants a new Dome Stadium and will require public money to build. The fan base, which has now matured over last 26 years has expectations, we are no longer just happy to have a team. Fans want a team to be excited about and proud of, to be relevant. Is that too much to ask? This fan base understands you can't win them all and there will certainly be ups and downs. What Panther fans have grown frustrated by is the sense of no direction, no foundation, nothing but talk of tomorrow and we all know tomorrow never comes. If Mr. Tepper wants his new stadium he needs to understand his customers demand a quality product. This fan base is second to none, remember 2015 NFC Championship game? wholly smokes what an incredible environment. That's what happens when this fan bases energy and organizational performance is in alignment. Bottom line, the Panthers need to make the necessary changes, whatever they may be, to live up to their end of the bargain. Panther fans are here, eager, LOYAL AND WAITING!
  9. And we have turned in to a clown show ourselves, fast approaching poo show status.
  10. did he play for temple or baylor???
  11. as much as I hate to say it, I don't give a flying f!$* anymore. I'm numb to the disappointment this organization constantly delivers. I love the Panthers, always will. I've become conditioned to embrace the suck.
  12. firing Rivera was not a mistake, aggressively pursuing a coach to replace him who has no NFL experience at all, pay him a Kings ransom and give him full personnel decision making power was the mistake whether its Rhule or anyone else who fits that description. I don't blame Rhule either, he was offered the job and he accepted it, who wouldn't accept that payday? Fake it till you make it....If that doesn't work, just cash the check and go home and chill like a MOFO!!!
  13. you should also consider drafting promising O-LINE talent vs. 100% defense (and the defense still sucks by the way). But that would suggest the FO knows how to evaluate OLINE talent. Face it folks. Our ship is rudderless!!
  14. Why did our coaching staff not continue utilizing Chubba in the timing game after Christian returned from his hamstring injury? Then we got lucky and picked up Ameer Abdullah, a very good RB. Do you think we used Ameer to give Christian some relief?? christians injury was predictable and preventable.
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