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Billy Love

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Everything posted by Billy Love

  1. I’d like to see evidence of “football intelligence” from Matt Rhule. That seems to be a BUZZ word of his. Preaches that his players and coaches need to be tough, accountable with great football intelligence…yet he has not shown that he processes any of these characteristics himself. He is full of sh!t, a very successful bulls!t artist, but full of sh!t none the less.
  2. Tepper's problem is he's not quite as smart as he thinks he is, and Panther fans are nowhere near as dumb as he thinks we are.
  3. I cringe at the thought of how much damage he’s already responsible for.
  4. Don’t forget those delicious meatballs
  5. Who wants to hear anything from Matt Rhule? He has achieved nothing positive as a HC.
  6. Panthers' Wire article states Cam and Sam rank #41 and #42 amongst NFL QB's in 2021. You gotta be kidding me.
  7. Takes BALLS to show this level of organizational commitment and following through pursuing the plan aggressively at every opportunity...congratulations RAMS, well done. Panthers on the other hand, have an owner who boasts of having BIG BALLS but shows clear evidence of being a weak kneed, arrogant and egotistical Pu$$ee. Who the fug gives a marginal college coach the keys to your newly acquired NFL kingdom? ANSWER: one who thinks he's smarter than everybody else in the room. RESULTS: absolute crash and burn clown show, laughing stock of the league and too damn arrogant to admit it.
  8. Honest question for the group. What evidence exists that would make any reasonable Panther fan feel good about our front office making a good decision concerning QB selection and development? the absolute sh1t show at the QB position during Rhule’s tenure is absolute incompetent garbage.
  9. We had an elite QB and did not build an O Line around him, shame on us. If we had protected our QB #1 we wouldn't be in this position.
  10. If, If we’re fifths, we’d all be drunk. who was the D lineman who used to say that?
  11. For the last 2 seasons he’s been acting like an NFL running back.
  12. Rhules motto: I’m not happy, until you’re not happy.
  13. celebrating a fuggin long snapper, an old ass long snapper at that. Is that what we've been reduced to? They think this fan base is so desperate and hungry for hope that this sh1t will satisfy us. WRONG!
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