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Billy Love

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Everything posted by Billy Love

  1. Ron Rivera and Hurney sat back and watch it happen, which is criminal.
  2. Kayak bass fishing with a Senko…I like you!
  3. 1995 - 2022 = 27 years. I'm not sure we can use the new kid on the block excuse anymore.
  4. tepper said " rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is this team"
  5. Security camera video…check the tape? Ask the security guard at the facility entrance.
  6. Damn you Jon Snow...you beat me to it.
  7. to all you old heads like me. Trivia time with 3 questions what show is this guy performing on? what sitcom did this character appear? what is this character name?
  8. he dance's around explaining why we seem to be getting worse and not better. He's dancing his a$$ off around Tepper to keep from getting fired.
  9. If you draft best player available at 6, I would take him, no doubt.
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