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Everything posted by TheCandyMan

  1. That my friends was Hurricanes hockey. Grit, determination, and throwing haymakers in the 3rd. This was an incredible game and that crowd was LOUD. Two Caniacs from SC will be there to yell with you guys for the Rangers game.
  2. Well dang. That put a damper on a good team win. Hope Patches is ok, but that didn’t look good at all.
  3. I’d like to see our offensive stars get on the board a few times tonight, but our defensive guys are killing it. We thinking Koochie gets the net this evening?
  4. I hate I missed out on the game thread last night. I got a bucket of kids and sometimes I got to wait until everyone’s in bed before I can start the game. This game had a playoff game feel to it. All 4 lines were fast and physical. I don’t see who can stop us if we play like we did last night. BB absolutely man handled Crosby to start the 3rd and kill off the rest of that 3 on 5. Here’s hoping Freddie stays healthy. He was just solid. Maybe too aggressive on one play, but he closed it out right. ICE UP SON!! We gotta do it again in a few hours.
  5. Congrats to coach on getting win 200! Time to go on another run boys!
  6. So I have a question for you hockey experts that I've wanted to know for a little while. During the playoffs last year we talked a lot about being at home and having the first change advantage. What exactly is the advantage of first change? Is it simply home team line changes first, and how does being the home team give you this advantage? If it helps I do know what icing is, and sometime offsides, but from what I've seen the league still isn't overly sure what offsides is so....
  7. For what it's worth, Freddie has made the trip to Columbus for tonight's game.
  8. I will say I think our equipment staff needs to get our goalies some bigger cups. The 5 hole has been a liability for sure. Guys getting hurt, guys coming of the injured list, I suspected we'd see a dip, but lets get a win tonight and start moving the train in the right direction again.
  9. Welcome back @Panthers Fan 69. Hope you know my comment in the last game thread was all in good fun. On to the next one!
  10. Yes it has on both counts. We seemed to start slow and finish strong, but we’ve flipped that this year for some reason.
  11. Staal line strikes again! That line is so much fun.
  12. I had a feeling we’d see Koochie in the big apple tonight. I’m pumped! LFG!!
  13. Maybe I’m spoiled, but I’ve never been so disappointed after a win. Glad we had a big enough lead to pull out the win. Y’all have a Merry Christmas and we’ll see ya on the 27th.
  14. I agree with this. What happens when everyone is healthy is the big question mark for me. I don’t see us filling a roster spot with a 3rd goalie, but the only other alternative I see is sending Koochie back to Chicago so he continues to get reps, but the way he’s playing I’d hate to see that happen too. I’m glad I’m not Don.
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