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Everything posted by mwright350

  1. There's just a less than zero chance they are moving him in the middle of the season. Sure at the end of the season if this game is the rule rather than the exception. But anyone claiming to know that outcome yet has spent a little too much time with the mushrooms I think.
  2. This is pretty much how I see it as well unfortunately. The line is just so bad that how to shuffle the terrible pieces into the least crappy version of an OL is not easy to see. I'm not sure there is a one or two player shuffle or replacement thats gonna help and I'm real glad it's not my job to figure it out.
  3. He does not have a mediocre supporting cast overall at the moment. I agree with the premise but mediocre would be a breath of fresh air at some very important, non-QB, spots on our offense.
  4. He did come up shaking his hand a few times today, and limping once I think.
  5. When it is remotely close to even a below average unit. Right now they are excuse level bad.
  6. He did, and his game was awful. But if a qb can never get comfortable in the pocket it's unfair to expect him to suddenly BE comfortable and play as such on the occasion his garbage line gets one right. He has to do better, sure, but there's far more blame on the OL here.
  7. I question our ability to win every game in front of us with OL play this putrid. It's not even bad - it stinks so bad their bad play is rubbing off on every position adjacent to them.
  8. Maybe his floor is NYJ Sam, maybe (likely) his floor is worse. Maybe his ceiling is current Panthers Sam. Maybe (likely) it's better. I don't think we'll ever really *see* either. Personally I think that 4 games is short enough a time that the "needle", as we call it, is still pointing up on his career since arriving in Carolina however (can't really call it a plateau when we're not even a quarter of the way through his first season with a new team and he's flippin' 24). I *expect* (or hope, if we want to reign in those expectations!) we're going to be more than pleased with his tenure here by the time it ends. What I still fail to understand, though, is why it's so necessary for one group of fans / posters to drag their optimism back down to a level approved by another group lest those people relentlessly try to force the issue (and honestly I'm not sure I care to understand that mindset - "well actually" must be an exhausting way to exist). Who actually gives a poo if someone thinks his floor is Tannehill-ish? Some of you guys are like heat seeking missiles for any unapproved positivity (is there a Wiki for how we should feel about any given player?). I get the goal; we gotta make sure everyone is on the exact same page so we can have a nice group-think and tell each other what we (now) want to hear. But....why? Good lord. Come up for air occasionally.
  9. When you have to scroll back up to make sure you didn't click on an older thread about Sam accidentally. All the deja vu. All of it.
  10. Unfortunately we have some evidence to the contrary. You could get rich.
  11. Could do both and still do better than Erving probably.
  12. Glad he answered how he did instead of giving a political non-answer. Initially I was happy to see more football but needing to lead up to every Thursday game getting a "whose season is gonna end tonight!!??" bingo card ready doesn't make anyone happy but the accountants. Player safety though, right?
  13. Just remember to ask the wall if it can play LT then make a thread telling us about the encounter afterwards.
  14. That they don't properly value the oline is not the only conclusion here. I get it, and with hindsight maybe they do make a different pick, but jumping straight to "they don't value the oline properly" dismisses a lot of information. Most importantly that (out of Fitterer's own mouth as well as something that's been a known issue for some time) it's so much more difficult to evaluate offensive linemen due to how the college game works. Bigger risk at a draft position they could not afford to fug it up.
  15. Seems like to me, based partially on reactions I've caught myself having, that some (a lot?) of us are giving more weight to things Sam does wrong / mistakes / holes in his game / whatever else due to how awful his time in NY looked than we would another QB (Not necessarily Cam, I dislike that comparison wholesale in spite of the Cam Darnold jokes being fun. Any other QB not coming from garbage play in a garbage situation). Fear of seeing him regress / fail to grow, I guess, but it's not hard to remember people vehemently defending QBs here who were markedly worse. To me it looks like the kid is playing his ass off and has done far more "right" than "wrong". This early in the process of getting his career on track for the first time I'm perfectly OK with that; I expected it to take longer to get to the point we're at now. What I do find a little odd, though, is the way a lot of his critics have shifted very quickly from 'I hope he can even be a functional starter' to telling us the reasons he's not elite (yet, I still think he can be). There are some stops along the way from "Holy poo how can one guy on one team be THAT bad" to "wow this kid is amazing" and we don't need to nitpick every little thing along the way. That just reads like trying to find an excuse to stay down on a player / looking for something to gripe about, whether intentional or not.
  16. There's a (predictably vague) explanation of how they grade OL / DL here if you're of a mind to try to reconcile their words with the ridiculous results. If not...they are looking at how well the player executes their (guessed) assignment and applying + or - marks in .5 increments until they reach a threshold (+-2 for run game stuff, I think 1.5 for pass rush / block? I forgot already tbh, maybe also 2). Gap integrity, how long the block held (or took to shed), ground given, etc. Add them up, normalize according to their formula, and voila. There's a little more to how they explain it but it's purely subjective. I did find it a little amusing that a site claiming to be about numbers and grading will throw out a line like "if we can't say with 95% certainty we know what the player was supposed to do..." and inject that made up threshold that they can't possibly actually enforce into an explanation of how they grade players though. (How exactly do they know what Paradis was supposed to do when he's horizontal moving backwards?) After actually trying, again, to learn something about their insanity...PFF is the grading equivalent of "well he was good except for those really bad plays that blew up the entire game...those count the same as everything else so overall good job little buddy".
  17. One of the places I like this coaching staff better than previous ones is I think they're smart enough to realize when they need to do a different thing (get good, likely specialized players instead of mediocre versatile ones) rather than just thinking they need to do the old thing a little better. Results depend on who can be had, I guess, but I fully expect this offseason to be very OL centric.
  18. You just wanted us to watch that again and stare at Urban Meyer's ass didn't you?
  19. There's probably some long, arcane explanation for why Paradis was *technically* playing his position correctly while he was being thrown back into Sam's lap like a toddler. Us mere mortals just can't comprehend the wizardry the folks at PFF use to see who is *really* good. It's our fault, really.
  20. Still does my heart good that the Eagles were the ones getting made to look silly when Foster ran over half their team on the way to the end zone. Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of fugers.
  21. Come on man - the bolded bit there is a bit silly. Of course "winning" teams fight back when they're behind? They do it across single games and, sometimes, whole portions of a season. The alternative is that for a team to be "winning" they must never be in a position to need to come back from behind or from a down portion of a season. Doom and gloom all you want but at least do it in a way that makes sense. God almighty some of us are reaching hard for excuses to kvetch.
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