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Everything posted by mwright350

  1. I genuinely have no idea who's going to win this game because at this point in the season both teams have shown an ability to lose to anyone for any number of stupid reasons. I do know that the outcome of the game will have little to no bearing on what people discuss / whine about after it though.
  2. As victory laps go this one is just...missing something. Possibly a victory - it's just a lap.
  3. I propose we promote a random Huddler to OC until we are no longer rousing rabbles. But only if we win.
  4. Remember how we used to hate it when people bitched and moaned for firings *after* loses? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.
  5. I didn't ask why you're supporting them, sir, and I really don't care. My base assumption is anyone supporting a team probably wants them to win (unless, of course, you're talking about that one game last year when this place melted down because we won too many games?). However the blatant hypocrisy of bragging about how much money you've spent on this team and for how long you've been doing so while questioning why others are supporting the same team is mind bogglingly absurd. Equally useless is trying to bludgeon others into taking your view with the length of your fandom and your age. I mean my dad has a picture of us the night the Hornets gave Kareem a rocking chair - does that make my opinion about them any more valid? Nah. I suspect everyone here wants the Panthers to win and simply has a different idea about how they should go about it (NONE of which are likely to be they way they actually do). It does seem, though, that the very first response in a thread about people needing to chill out being someone who is decidedly not chilled out (and apparently wants to engage in a school-yard style battle of "you're not the boss of me!") is evidence that the statement ABOUT chilling out is true.
  6. It seems you are also spending your money (apparently far more than the rest of us, and for longer!!!!!) supporting a losing team. Don't whine about how you spend your money and not being happy with the result then, it's that simple. If you want to make an impact speak with your wallet, otherwise you too are supporting a losing team. Just being a hypocrite about it.
  7. So many people entering with a conclusion they want a proof for, seeking confirming evidence, then shutting it down to do a victory lap. And Christ almighty there are options here other than "Sam is THE FRANCHISE BABYYYYYYYYY" and "This kid is the root of all the ails us". Every time someone defends Sam in any way (like saying he doesn't deserve all or even most of the blame for that poo show Sunday) the gang all comes around to lecture about how he does in fact deserve some blame. I honestly can't remember the last time someone said he didn't deserve any blame. *edit in anticipation of "we're just talkin' football broski"*
  8. Not that I have any way to prove or back this up but I really feel like they planned all along to give Darnold 2 seasons to get the benefit of an offseason (hopefully) more focused on the offensive line unless the bottom absolutely falls out. There was probably also an element of making sure there was *someone* at QB who was not PJ Walker next year. I also still do think that if a premier QB falls into the Panthers laps that 2nd year might be a year as the backup. To the OL in the draft - they kinda did. They just didn't do it the way we wanted or, apparently, very effectively (though BC didn't look that awful).
  9. So full disclosure - I actually STARTED this post wanting to post stats about how much more players are injured on TNF and then rant and rave about player safety / snuffing TNF / pillorying whoever's idea it was / manning the torpedos etc. I still think we should get rid of TNF and I still don't think it's generally good football but uh - that stat waving thing fell through. What I DID manage to find was people citing *lower* injury rates on TNF vs Sunday and Monday games (Here is an example if anyone is curious) so that fugs up THAT rant. Thanks numbers. So yeah. To the original question? Yeah fug it - I'd take the L every year and skip the game if I could. This team, specifically, is still snakebit on TNF and I hate it.
  10. This is one of the rare times I just don't care about having to pay someone to not play. And I'm not really one for calling for jobs normally - but fug that guy. Seriously. He can pound sand.
  11. There was a time we thought we'd win these last two games too I have minimal faith in this team beating whatever dumpster fire is put in front of them at the moment.
  12. Nothing about Dan Arnold was going to help last week or this debacle today.
  13. Meh. Maybe. In all likelihood they're going to put a (hopefully better) OL in front of him for that 2nd year, say they failed him this year or w/e, and let him ride out the 5th year though. Who knows how that will turn out.
  14. I think we give them the quarter second just for the DL having to sidestep the traffic cone masquerading as an NFL player. It's like getting your name right on a test. "Are you breathing and standing? GG you blocked for a moment"
  15. If we could just distill that part of Jake and feed it to every QB we get going forward. Alas... To this team? I dunno. I want to say CMC but he doesn't strike me as that type, nor does Sam regardless of play. It probably doesn't exist, as others have said.
  16. I think they're probably all slightly better than they look (very, very slightly). But if you put three black holes of suck next to each other they just exponentially increase the suck.
  17. Yeah I have more of an issue with the manner in which we signed who we did vs who we actually signed as well given what was available. For as apparently calculated as this FO has been to this point these particular signings just smack of "poo our OL is awful" desperation - throw poo at the wall and see what sticks. I dislike that approach on so many levels, even if I get the mindset behind it. Not like we could not do anything but jeez...it looks bad looking back on it. Maybe John Miller is going to go super saiyan after he gets beat up enough. I can dream...
  18. Man when I said I wasn't going to lead you to the water I didn't expect you'd fall face first into the pond. I made a single comparison to Brady - Darnold is not as good as he is. Are you saying I'm incorrect and that your point was that "old man" Brady is in fact WORSE than Darnold thus Darnold should be expected to do better? Denigrating the guy you chose to use as an example of how pressure should be handled is a bit odd otherwise. I agree many people thought Brady might be done at the beginning of last season, no argument from me - turns out he wasn't. This too is counter to your agenda. Just because it will hurt my soul to let it lie: also confusing is stating in your response that Darnold needs to get better regardless of our oline (which is not something I disagree with - he clearly still has growth that should happen) when the post I was responding to *directly involves the oline* and how a QB responds to their failures. Bro. Stop. So the situation as it stands is: faced with stats from across a full season that show even great QBs (which Sam is not at this point, and may never be because not a damn one of us has a crystal ball) are demonstrably worse when under pressure your fallbacks are Brady is an old man, referencing posts that are not in any way germane to what you're responding to (BUT MAHOMES BROOOOO!!??), changing the scope of your point, and that football isn't my sport? k C'est fini
  19. Ah hell man - we've flipped out worse over single plays before. This is par for course.
  20. I also like to cherry pick stats, games, and plays to show points, because that's how this works right?! (Yes sometimes even from the greatest QB we've probably ever seen, since that was the opening salvo's subject matter). As a concession I'm willing to limit myself to a set of games rather than individual plays, I like the 2020 season for this. So let's stipulate some things! ~Tom Brady is a far superior QB to Sam Darnold - I doubt anyone on either side of this silliness will argue that point no matter how it furthers their own agenda ~Pressure is pressure regardless of how good the Defense is since on that play the defense won to that point. (stats through 1/26/2021 referencing the 2020 season because I could not be bothered to do more than look them up to make this stupid point) ----- Playoffs Brady not under pressure: 61.4% completion Brady under pressure: 28.6% completion Regular Season Brady not under pressure: 71.7% completion Brady under pressure: 43.8% completion ----- Lead yourself to whatever water you want with that, since I can't make you drink I'm not gonna bother with the trip.
  21. I think the turnstiles at LG and RG are still in better position that our actual guards tend to be. How much do the turnstiles want to play for a year?
  22. No, sorry. Ghost of PTSD Past. The Ghost of PTSD Present will be along shortly to talk to you about versatile offensive linemen.
  23. I mean didn't Dan Henning end up in Miami presiding over that wildcat offense for a while after he left here? I don't fault him for doing what his boss(es) asked him to do just because it was stupid and boring. He did the stupid thing well and could go elsewhere and do another thing well there. So Dan Henning gets my vote
  24. I'm just really enjoying that the thread title is a phrase used to point out the futility of having "what might have been" / missed opportunity conversations...and then proceeds to have a what might have been conversation.
  25. Of all the many, many, things that could have helped us look somewhat less shitty on offense today I do not believe Dan Arnold is even in the picture.
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