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Everything posted by mwright350

  1. Yikes. JNo is one of the ones I liked who got away - hope it's nothing long term.
  2. Ah there's gonna be an asterisk of some sort for every game we win for a while. If it's not this it'll be something else.
  3. It was the Houston equipment manager at NRG Stadium with the candlesti....er....turf
  4. Shoulda watched yesterday...it was a slob fest from about 9am.
  5. I was told we're not allowed to be happy about our defensive stats because of who we played. We're supposed to bitch, moan, whine, and cry until we play the 2 or 3 teams that are considered "real" teams apparently.
  6. idk if he looked better individually but his team definitely did a better job putting him in a position to not look foolish than the Jets did for Wilson (is anyone surprised by this though?). Wilson is a superior QB on a far, far worse team. With as few starts as Mills has had, though, and with the small amount of preparation he had I was impressed by him last night. I expected way worse - good for him.
  7. I mean it's demonstrably not the worst feeling possible because we didn't implode and let it be a close game (since we're excluding the worse outcome of actually losing from our worst possible feeling scale, which feels a bit wrong unto itself. Leading with 'I know it could be worse but isn't this the worst possible feeling for the not record we find ourselves with??' feels *silly* pessimistic). Yes there were some sloppy moments after CMC went out (duh?) but they figured it out and adjusted, Darnold showed he isn't going to fold like a wet napkin when things get rough, they seem to be figuring out the 3rd quarter, pass rush is still nasty, we don't have an offense with only one option that's now fuged, we don't have a defensive backfield without a usable backup, we don't have to start PJ Walker b/c of some Darnold injury, on and on. So no definitely not the worst possible feeling even for the very specific situation that's allowed in the question. We won the game, convincingly, without that stink of 'well they half-assed and lucked their way into that win' all over it. Enjoy it for a minute before borrowing trouble. For myself? Like a lot of other people when the injuries started I was starting to get a little worried in game and frankly, in spite of the injuries, I enjoyed watching the team NOT fug it up. I'm happy they put their heads down, adjusted, and got their poo done. Am I happy about the injuries? No. The team's overall performance? Yep. I like watching my team win and I'm happy we have a coaching staff that I trust to make the best of the situation we find ourselves in. And just for the record IMO 3-0 with injury related concerns is >>> 3-0 with barely-won games, poor play, and a boat load of luck to get there. Besides all we've heard for two weeks is "let's see what they do when there's some adversity! fugin Panthers"...well in this case when we had some adversity we won. I'll take that any game.
  8. I'm glad we haven't had to / decided to ride a rookie WR. I expect to see Marshall getting more balls towards the back half of the year. Where Robby is concerned? Personally I'm thrilled Sam *isn't* locked in on him just because they have history and a connection from when they played together in NY. Same thing here but for different reasons I suspect we're going to see Robby getting more long balls as the season goes on.
  9. I was fully prepared to be pissed at that sob last night when he *started* talking, but I'm not sure he was really being a d about it. His weird laughing aside he had some specific things that he called more common in college - so unless he just outright made it up I'm not sure he was wrong. Then again who cares - if it works they can play a fight song with a marching band just to make it a MORE college atmosphere as far as I care.
  10. I mean I could have used different phrasing but "convert" just went so well thematically with evangelize. *edited for wording because reasons*
  11. There is too much about PFF that requires someone to evangelize for them so other people will either take them seriously or not badly misunderstand the data that it becomes the NFL stats equivalent of "if you have to explain the joke it probably isn't all that funny to begin with". Except in PFF's case it's not even the comedian telling the joke, it's usually a bunch of dudes who heard the joke while drunk from another room trying to recite it in a foreign language...so in the end they just scream the punch line over and over. Largely those of us who don't feel PFF adds enough to the conversation to be worth it ignore it unless there's something that on the surface simply doesn't make sense. You know what doesn't make sense? Any metric that indicates that Ian Thomas did a better job playing Tight End yesterday than CMC did playing RB / WR / (and apparently fullback for that one block...b/c god damn) by any amount. The process can be explained ad nauseam and that is still going to make anyone *not* campaigning for PFF acceptance go "huh? That's stupid". Or where player stats are so wrong we have to research how they...count(?) to make the data make any sense at all. Is what PFF is trying to accomplish a good goal? Yes. Is it better than nothing? Sure (though thankfully if ignoring PFF entirely we are left with a non zero set of alternative ways to consume NFL breakdowns / statistics / performance metrics!). Is it so good that people need to be converted? Nope.
  12. Just look for the brand-new account stumping for Armanti Edwards to be brought back to start at QB. That'll be him.
  13. It would certainly not hurt my feelings to see Armah back here. Not that I don't enjoy watching guys who don't really know how to play FB try to play FB...but yeah I would.
  14. Man some of you guys are way too upset by other people's optimism. Personally I think this draft class is going to be excellent and I choose to believe that until I'm given a good reason to think otherwise. But I mean if kvetching is someone's happy place who am I to judge, heh.
  15. Ya know. Its not often something on the Huddle makes me belly laugh anymore. That account was a fun read I'm mostly just upset I was getting more beer during the stellar QB play.
  16. That's very upsetting to hear. Sad to lose anyone, especially when so relatively young.
  17. We're going to find out in a few months this is all WWE style leadup to the first Huddle cage match. The ticket sales will be enormous.
  18. Should probably be considered for the greatest quote thread. Huddle quotes count right?
  19. You know in a day *full* of bad takes...this PFF nonsense is top tier stupid.
  20. Just for anyone who's curious where this came from and how the individual who wrote the grade feels about the rest of the round (ya know, context): https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2021/4/29/22409582/nfl-draft-2021-results-pick-by-pick-grades-first-round Myself I'm not sure that taking (arguably) the best (or best fit for this division) player at his position AND plugging a huge area of need on this team qualifies as one of the 4 worst picks in the draft. Maybe it ends up being that way but Dator believes only 2 picks are worse and one is equally bad? k. It's a silly take and its done its job I suppose. I'm equally not sure that James Dator is so plugged in he could declare that the team was "spooked" - that's beyond silly. No way that they just went "well Sewell is gone and no one wants to trade for this pick - so we're just gonna take the next guy on our board" right?
  21. Even if the answer you provided to your own question (and the motivation thereof) is 100% accurate (possible I suppose) and the characterization of their PR / Marketing where Bridgewater is concerned as overboard is correct (which might very well be the case, who the hell am I to judge that, it's not what I do) it still does not matter one bit whether a couple of grown men texted each other. I'll even concede the points because you can't see relevant from there. It doesn't matter to the future of the team, or really to the narrative of the last season. We learned that a guy who is almost certainly on the way out of town as fast as the involved parties can make it happen did something petty and were reminded that NFL teams sometimes lie. Film at 11.
  22. In the pantheon of poo that matters whether Bridgewater reached out to Darnold unprompted (or at all unless he was told to by his employer and just didn't do so) is firmly in "who gives a damn" land. Petty? Sure. Impactful? No. At all significant evidence that Bridgewater is a or b type of person / employee / player / QB / dude...minimally at most. So to summarize: who cares?
  23. I sorta feel like it would be fitting to change the thread title to "Not posting anything else for at LEAST 6 minutes" Just sayin'
  24. Richardson presided over his fair share of ultimately boneheaded football decisions during his tenure. The Sean Gilbert trade comes to mind, as do years of allowing this team to stagnate while the rest of the league evolved and the spending spree of 'I love you bro' contract extensions. It isn't as if he was a paragon of wonderful football team management for the length of his ownership and just a scummy dude on the side (something, btw, that could also negatively impact football operations if he were still the owner since none of this lives in a vacuum). Far too much difference in the length of ownership for JR / Tepper to compare raw results as well. That last bit at the end there - a lot of that isn't directly "football" related. If we don't care about that stuff for one guy... Fact is Tepper may yet turn out to be so bad we try to get Dan Snyder down here to run the team just for a break from the awful. Even if that ends up being the case in 2040 we're still not likely going to see a lot of support for JR nostalgia.
  25. If nothing else I'm impressed with the number of words used to say, "Please draft Mac Jones for reasons"...I guess.
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