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Everything posted by Panthers8969

  1. Does his lawyer even matter? The nfl has already proven that it will suspend players regardless of whether they are found guilty or not.
  2. greg hardy spent a year on the CEL for calling the cops on a chick (who tested postiive for hard drugs that night) in a he said she said situation...
  3. Just bc owners don’t speak to the media doesn’t mean they don’t evaluate their coaches and other employees.
  4. Not that PFF is the end all be all, but they have fields as one of the best qbs in college when going beyond his first read. The guy who had the best wrs and best rbs and best OL was *shocker* last. * I don’t have a PFF sub so can’t say what everyone was graded at but fields was an 87 in this metric, which was good, all according to guys in the comments*
  5. Texans are already in a PR nightmare. Watson literally can’t play for another team if he isn’t traded and will forfeit his income + be fined on top of that for multiple years. If the Texans owner doesn’t care about the PR nightmare, Watson will 100% cave. He can’t holdout forever.
  6. How so? You said cam was a bad example bc he was a much better player. I agree with that. But there’s equal and lesser skilled players that don’t get the “he’s a good guy, but...” treatment. Can you explain to me why this is? Does the team only have 1 good guy? I seriously don’t get it
  7. Literally just last offseason and before you say “teddy isn’t the franchise qb” yes, I know. And yet, he was billed as such. Multiple “personalities” claimed Carolina had their next franchise qb. 5-0 on the saints!
  8. Yup, same. But others (and the team, apparently) liked the pick. Then teddy proceeds to choke every game away and they couldn’t even give him a shot. Then he gets cut. If they played him over teddy week 16, we probably have the 3rd pick
  9. Even more of a reason to start every cam slander post with “he’s a good guy” like everyone and their mom seems to do with teddy. In fact, this is such an anomaly, I don’t see any other player discussed on here get talked about “being a good guy” not kk, not luke, not the practice squad guys, not tahir Whitehead. Literally just teddy. It’s as if everyone tried to convince themselves it was a good signing bc he’s a good guy. So dumb
  10. Everyone on here loved the Grier pick for some reason (shocker) and now they’re saying it would be absurd to give him a shot in a real game over a known scrub like teddy. How does that make any sense? Spent a 3rd round pick on the dude, team would’ve been very justified starting him over teddy. If we lost vs the skins we’d be set up so well for the future
  11. Honestly who gives af if he’s a good dude? Last qb we had was a much better teammate, and player, and every criticism of him wasn’t prefaced with “cams a good dude, but...” so annoying how teddy was hyped up. Same player he’s always been. On the saints he never played from behind
  12. gotcha. I suppose thats a fair criticism. I watched him more so in 2019 than 2020. Need to give his newest film a peek
  13. This is what their FO is likely thinking, but fans and analysts think everyteam that isn’t a contender should blow it up and start over. Hence all the trade Ryan and Julio poo. Plus clickbait mock drafts= more clicks
  14. Radunz is more likely to be a first than a 3rd
  15. In what way? Did he actually take a step back as player? Or just didn’t have same stats bc he saw more double teams?
  16. Exactly- why the fug was a dude who was celebrating a loss at a strip club during a pandemic even playing in that game? TH, if he starts, wins that game
  17. Chargers- ekeler drops a perfect pitch from alllen, costing them the game. Odds ekeler ever drops a pitch again ~.0001%
  18. I haven’t even heard of your wr5 lol. Not a fan of Bateman?
  19. This dude really been in his feelings lately. Now dogging on mock drafts lol
  20. Lol so guys want to give up 8 picks and take on watsons massive contract, but don’t want to sign dak for 0 picks. Makes no sense. I’d rather get dak for cap only than Watson for cap and picks
  21. Here’s what the Washington post had to say :
  22. Yup. Bucs likely win with or without refs help. That’s irrelevant to me. Why do I want to watch refs skew a game?
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