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  1. Agree 100%. At this point it's tough to argue that our 1st and 2nd round picks weren't drafted too high. Whether it's Tepper, the GM, or the scouts, the front office has made some head scratching decisions in the last few years.
  2. I agree with you - that's why I said wait and see...
  3. I'm probably at 5/10 for Dave. I'd love to see more consistency, and I also feel like he needs to continue to grow into being HC and play caller. Sometimes the whole operation on offense looks fantastic, and then there are major duds like the Dallas or TB away game. I'm more wait and see on Morgan. I agree with some of the other posters who mention a need to improve college scouting. If that happens I think we have a good HC and GM combo.
  4. TV guys said chest injury if I heard correctly
  5. I think "fixed" the o-line is a bit strong. He definitely improved the o-line, but I'm still not sure we have the answer at C or LT. Corbett was playing great, but will he be back? Brady has done ok, but is he the long term guy? And I don't see Ickey as a franchise LT.
  6. I could've sworn that I read we'd get a 5th even if we kept him and he signed somewhere else this offseason - not sure if that's correct though. Either way - trading away a sixth that is likely to be the top spot for a fifth that will be near the bottom is some dumb poo.
  7. I expected 4 wins max, but I thought Bryce would show some improvement and we'd be somewhat competitive in most games.
  8. I knew we'd be bad this season, but I was holding out some hope that Bryce would be marginally competent given all of the investment on the o-line. At this point, I don't see how we turn things around. If Tepper hadn't proven he'll make the worst decision every time, I'd have some hope, but here we are. I feel like the guy in the tree in Jerry Clower's coon huntin' story except I'm stuck in the tree with a Panther -" just shoot up here amongst us, one of us has got to have some relief".
  9. I’ve been a fan since day 1, and I don’t have any interest in other teams. I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel this time. In years past we could look forward to drafting better players, hiring better coaches etc, but I don’t think Tepp and the Mrs. are capable. The team will continue to make money, so he’s unlikely to sell. I feel like our only hope is Tepper moving the team. When Shinn moved the Hornets I stopped watching the NBA and that’s been great. I know myself well enough to know that something like that is the only way I can stop watching the Panthers. It just sucks.
  10. Freddie is a proven choke artist. Tonight was par for the course - not to mention he's been bad the whole series. I blame RBA as much as I blame Freddie. Rod has no faith in Pyotr, and too much faith in Freddie.
  11. My expectation is that he'll be marginally better than last year, but still not very good. For me to have faith in him, he'd need to show tangible improvement over the course of the season and be able to carry the team on his shoulders in at least one game. IMHO a franchise QB should have the ability to elevate the rest of the team and change the tide of a game in a positive way.
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