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  1. Grown men complaining about what other grown men do in their free time, btw. Unless you spend every waking moment focused on your job, then you should probably refrain from talking poo about another man on the internet for living his life.
  2. You people are idiots. Dave made a few rookie mistakes, but he's far from a bum. Yall need to replay the last 5 years of play calling and then tell me DC is a bum.
  3. If we did that, I'd buy a Bills jersey the same day. I can handle a year of Jimmy Clausen. I can handle 3 years of Matt Rhule. I can handle 2 years of Bryce Young. I draw the line at Daniel Jones.
  4. I'm not seeing this guy talked about enough today. He showed up to play. Must be one of those dawgs I've been hearing about.
  6. Taking the points is the right call. Go up 3 possessions. Don't do too much.
  7. We had hope that we would improve after the Clausen era. Jerry wasn't incompetent. The BY era is far worse because we know we won't improve next year. Because Tepper IS incompetent.
  8. Each play after that was its own crossroad. Each time they send Bryce out there, they're saying "fug you" to the other players and the fans. At what point does the NFL step in? Can they even step in? This is not the product the NFL wants presented to its viewers.
  9. I might have to, as well. I'm not asking for a superbowl every year. I'm asking for them to respect my time. I'm asking for competency. We've progressively gotten worse over the past 7 years. No sign of getting better. Tepper has killed the culture that took 20 years to build. It doesn't even feel like the same franchise. It's a mockery of what used to be. And I still tune in each Sunday for some dumb reason. I'm a home team kind of guy. I'm not sure I can truly root for anybody else. I've endee up rooting for individual players like Mahomes, Lamar Jackson, and Josh Allen. Or w/e is on my fantasy team.
  10. You can't properly evaluate any of these players with Bryce at QB. You can't.
  11. Sunk cost. Trying to get our money's worth out of a guy we traded so much for. It really wouldn't surprise me if it was revealed that Tepper was forcing Canales to start him.
  12. I'd take it if we gave them a 7th.
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