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Everything posted by SamMills4Life

  1. How about when they overturned a incompletion, so they could call a penalty on us. I don't thing I've ever seen that one before.
  2. They almost never throw towards him anymore, so probably not often.
  3. Norman is just unfair. Resign that man, resign him soo hard.
  4. I can't believe this might be a 4 point game at the half. We've dominated this poo.
  5. Why are they even reviewing this. Can it be overturned?
  6. This has been his best game of the season. I think he's starting to smell post-season. Let's put a ring on that finger.
  7. Short is drawing double teams too. He was doubled on his sack.
  8. If Davis doesn't make that tackle, that's a first down.
  9. He knew exactly where the goal was was. He put the ball 4 inches past it, and pulled it back to the Eagles couldn't strip it. This guy's awareness is off the charts.
  10. Until he drops a pass, then we all hate him again. This is the life of a Panther fan.
  11. Don't forget Tillman on that play for 22 yards where he might as well not have existed.
  12. We lost to the Eagles by like 3 TDs last year, and you lot are bitching that we are up by 7?
  13. Ya'll realize that the Philly defense is almost as good as ours right?
  14. I think Cam felt the pressure behind him. Notice he doesn't wind up all the way. Ginn could have still caught that.
  15. That was near simultaneous, I don't know if we're getting this one.
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