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Major wRecktum

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  1. Another reason to seriously upgrade the defense. The offense is practicing against mostly jags.
  2. And to think, we actually have a good OL coach to work up this line.
  3. Should have been keeping him from being around 300 lb linemen for the last couple of years.
  4. He doesn't run through the QB, plain and simple.
  5. Kinda figured... And not surprised it flew over most of the heads around here.
  6. This almost sounds like somebody else.... Tom Brady
  7. Home Team's only worth a crap on Wednesdays. That's the only day they have the BBQ wrap on deck. Martin's on Folly Rd. has a very good, but sorta pricey, brisket sandwich. Best brisket I've had since Hard Eight in Ft. Worth.
  8. Any chance they package the rest of the picks and get another 4th? 6 picks, nothing past the 4th round... doesn't sound too bad.
  9. Thought you were going to remind us that Marty Hurney works for the Foreskins.
  10. Yeah, won't happen, but that would be the scoop of the century. Would listen to that a dozen times. Love hearing DG talk.
  11. These podcasts are great. Jeremy will reach the pinnacle of boss-dom when he can wrangle nipple shorts onto one of these things. That would be the best huddle podcast evar.
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