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About Ikererk

  • Birthday 12/06/1991

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  1. These kind of posts really piss me off. Random dudes from their texting from their couch pretending to know better than professional athletes, in this case even an elite one, and the whole training teams behind them, not just Panthers but personal. Safe to think that Christian fugging McCaffrey and the hundred people supporting him have figured out how to freaking stretch and prepare a game. No way that's the reason why he's been dealing with injuries. Related to the strech and warm up, it really stood up to me when I got to see Panthers live at London, CMC was the first out on the field for a good hour before anyone else. A great entertainment for those who got there waaay too early like me and my dad. Anyway, I agree with you on your good whises regarding the injury bug, CMC is a prime player and really changes how teams prepare against us. If he stays healthy I would rather have him than a 1st rounder, even with his contract. I hope the FO will be smarter using him this season.
  2. Amazing pics Jeremy. Only "but" is that CH logo is on JR's face in Greg's confetti pic!
  3. Bold prediction here... There will be no bike for Jonathan Stewart.
  4. Running a twitter account for Panthers fans (and NFL in general) in spanish (I'm from Spain). Most tweets are in spanish, but I also have some US followers, so everybody is welcome. @PanthersSpain https://twitter.com/PanthersSpain
  5. Running @PanthersSpain on twitter.

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