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  1. I’m in Candler too man! I get it. It’s a hell of a long day trip even without tailgating
  2. For real. Gotta be somebody in this world of 8 billion that can fill in
  3. Every team does it in those situations. I don’t totally understand why and it’s frustrating as hell, I get it.
  4. Unfuggingbelievable our teams can’t catch a break!
  5. Guess we’re not watching the same team. I haven’t trusted a Kicker since Kasay had the job.
  6. Love it! Better than drafting him at 39, plus scored a second next year. 5 years ago this guy would have been a top 15 pick. I get it’s a new age and whatnot, but hard to hate getting the best RB in the draft considering how we worked it.
  7. Eh I don’t know a damn thing about hiring for these positions tbh, and I’d say 99% of us here don’t either, so I just hope it works out.
  8. Well nice pick, but that could have been a decent return if you just ran straight ahead
  9. lol give receivers a fugging chance Young. Good god
  10. These spots are BS. They’re giving Tampa an extra yard each spot and taking a yard off of ours. Hard to overcome that throughout an entire game.
  11. No accountability. One of my players does that if I’m head coach, his ass is coming out the rest of the game. Reich just chilling over there looking like an emotionless dud, Rivera 2.0.
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