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Everything posted by WOW!!

  1. What?? Other than draft stuff.. What other stories has Charlie Campbell broken about the Panthers??
  2. Another Local reporter saying this is false.. What is the count now??
  3. 1st Waltersfootball been around since 1999.. They have been more accurate (draft wise) the last 3 years but the 20 before were rough.. 2. Draft picking and actually team reporting is 2 different things.. 3. Kiper or Mcshay aren't reporting on Trades.. If you want reporting on the actual team you go to the Beat reporters ... Who are with the team and have way more sources in the building then a website..
  4. He is not the only person saying this.. And some of yau'll need to stop taking news reports from national writers as gospel over the beat writers with the team every day... I know Waltersfootball got some cult following now.. But this is the 2nd story that has been controversial coming from that site..
  5. What does he need to figure out?? How to make Whitehead and JC look like Kuckely?? Well that ain't never going to happen..
  6. He also benched Cam when Sam came back that didn't make sense either..
  7. Again so why didn't he bench DJax or JC who had way worse games??
  8. I don't know.. He didn't bench Djax who got fuging torched!! So it can't be for poor play. I can't explain Rhule logic..
  9. Seriously are you color blind?? Because maybe you were watching the Cowboys or Vikings game and thought it was the Commanders?? The Cowboys and Vikings ran at him and Jones and were better examples of DB needing to be better.. Commanders wasn't..
  10. 5:09 if a player is taking a Double team shouldn't somebody else make the Tackle?? Every thing you broke down was off.. Commanders running outside counters and dives away from him.. He is consistently taking on Double teams in that game.. He gets puts on the ground after he is reaching or going for the RB while still being blocked by 1 or 2 guys.. None of the LB took correct angles.. And Jermaine Carter was lost... Henikie got the ball out fast and the Commanders kept him moving.. While the secondary got torched.. DB was consistantly pushing the pocket making the RB cut away from him while being blocked and around the balll. Sorry that what I saw..
  11. Even if Olave is soild you did alot of movement and giving up good assets for Not Megatron or Julio or Fitzgerald.. Olave is solid but not worth that or that type of WR..
  12. Nobody said Star wasn't a upgrade and he did help a Defense (that was trending up anyway) but DB is literally putting up similar or better numbers with a worse surrounding cast .. This is a fact.. Now go watch the Washington game because you need to stop using that as a example.. Its clear that wasn't a DB bad game.. DJax, had a horrible game.. Maybe that's what you were thinking??
  13. Some of you really need to go to YouTube and rewatch the Commanders games before trying to use it as a example for DB'S fault.. Really take the time because it's not a good example for your argument..
  14. No get it right.. No my argument was Star was a good players with a better surrounding cast.. That nobody thought was a bust.. And DB is better or similar with less talent around him... That's my argument..
  15. Whatever.. Show me the film where he is consistently getting moved and beat. I can't wait .
  16. He still was a pro bowl LB .. He still was leading the league in Tackles.. What are you talking about??
  17. This is incredible.. Ppl could watch games and see we had sub par MLB and the team can say we need to get bigger on the edge because that where teams were attacking us .. And Blame the DT.. Smh
  18. It would help when it happened you had Superior run defenders like Kuechly, CJ, TD, Greg Hardy even James Anderson around you wouldn't it..
  19. You have Do you think surrounding cast my be the reason?? No Dt is going to make Tahir Whitehead and Jermaine Carter look like Luke kuechly.. I'm sorry that is impossible..
  20. Do you really want to compare trying to make a HOFER and a Pro bowler look good.. To Tahir Whitehead and Jermaine Carter???? Do we need to break down 1 player being flanked by Cj and Greg Hardy?? Do you think that might help a bit??
  21. Again look at Stars numbers and DB's tell me the difference then show me The "Star is a bust" thread you made??
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