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Everything posted by WOW!!

  1. I like Brandon, Tyreke, Likely and Kolar.. Add Cole Turner, Sterling Weatherford, John Ridgeway Jeffery Gunther and Darrin Beavers..
  2. This was a Mcadoo pick.. Nobody was talking about Corral until Mcadoo got comfortable here..
  3. Dean got a medical issue.. So that's why he's dropping but hell yeah I take him..
  4. Yo!! If we trade up.. Put me in get a LB camp... Still alot of good MLB out here that can start day 1 ..
  5. The league has been saying this all offseason.. Retreads getting deals.. Teams trading bags for avg. Qb play.. Teams willing to sell their souls for a "accused" serial sex offender..
  6. Seattle looked at this QB class with Geno Smith and Drew Lock and said were "good" ppl please look at this..
  7. Ravens are having a incredible draft...
  8. That is a Ravens type player right there..
  9. Now they got the Malik Wills watch/drop and the embarrassment that comes with that.. When if they rated him right and not hyped him.. He would be look at the place he should be drafted at.. This is some bs
  10. Okay cool.. You're being a condescending dick.. and wrong.. So moving on.. Lmao
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