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Mistuh Jones

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Everything posted by Mistuh Jones

  1. I'm not mad tho, I don't wanna win out of the top 5 in the draft.
  2. Kid's gonna be good. He's giving me a little Deshaun Foster vibes
  3. after watching some film... OH MY SWEET JEEBUS can you imagine Graham with D Brown?!?
  4. Morgan is looking smart for this now... I admit I was PISSED when I saw the compensation. Now it seems we just got a draft pick for free
  5. I think it's called Dave Canales earning his damn paycheck.
  6. SMH. Don't think too hard about this. Buddy has played up to his 1st round billing and has stayed healthy. Pay the man. SIMPLE.
  7. I have zero problems with a rookie head coach with a conundrum at QB. He has handled this situation with wisdom and it's yielding tangible dividends. He's made the absolute most out of this sh!t sandwich he was dealt and the team is playing hard for him. Kudos.
  8. I had completely lost faith in the lil tyke... but now I feel encouraged.
  9. Insurance against a flash in the pan. But naw bro Chuba is doing his damn THEEZY
  10. I had high hopes for dude but this is turning into season 8 of Game of Thrones for me
  11. stop this dumb poo and let the man cook with an actual NFL caliber roster. Jesus effing christ
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