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Mistuh Jones

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About Mistuh Jones

  • Birthday 08/13/1979

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  1. If someone intrigues me, I go to watch some tape of them on ze youtube. It's not gonna show ya everything but enough to get a better feel for em. TDLR: if they move great but don't jump off the tape- PASS
  2. 6'4 and above 320 lbs and over D Linemen
  3. To get Walker AND Collins would be a wet dream
  4. With those other guys gone, T Mac would become BPA in my opinion. Simple, and coincidentally fills a need.
  5. he is WIGGEDY WIGGEDY WASHED. Let some other idiots take that gamble
  6. for nothing higher than a 4th, and significant percentage of the salary that Rams pay for? Sure.
  7. Don't forget that Dave will continue to evolve as a playcaller, now that the trust has actually been established with Bryce. The ceiling is the roof.
  8. if we get another edge in FA then I could get down with this... buuuuuuuuuuuut
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