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Mistuh Jones

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About Mistuh Jones

  • Birthday 08/13/1979

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  1. would be cool with either, but younger Blackmon would be my choice
  2. this ain't on the list but I love the silver pants for away. Black helmet, white jersey, silver pants, black socks is TUFF
  3. I wouldn't be pissed if it was Mykel Williams but Shemar Stewart HARD PASS. Sick of the 'tweener light in the loafers type
  4. I think that SB window has been slammed shut, painted over and boarded
  5. as of right now, absolutely. Still need to draft def players for depth and development (Edge, LBs) get a FS. But actually getting some goddang DEPTH out of FA has me feeling pretty good.
  6. Wharton will slide in next to D Brown on passing downs and will be a problem. Dude is quick as all get out
  7. I would be, but he'd want too much scrilla
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