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  1. 2-15 last year and I woke up feeling like I was a kid on Christmas. I just can’t quit this drug we call Panthers football and at least for the next few hours I’m excited for a new season.
  2. I’ve convinced myself we are winning this game and Bryce Young has a great game. Gotta love sports.
  3. Brandt came off as the smartest person in the room.
  4. I’m holding out hope but I know deep down he’s probably a bust. He seems like an awesome kid and I can see why management would’ve loved him in interviews. The velocity on his throws just can’t do it at this level, especially if he isn’t making up for it with accuracy.
  5. This is every throw in his loss to Georgia. It honestly looks a lot like his season this year. He was struggling back then with the slightly tougher throws. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DjLFDIiPG4
  6. 15 TD’s and 2 INT’s as a rookie is insane. The comebacks he’s made are incredible. Bryce is in a worse situation but he wouldn’t be doing that in Houston. It doesn’t mean he won’t be good later but he’s looking really really bad the last 2 weeks. I held on hope but at this point it looks like we obviously missed on the better QB. Stroud was always a better thrower. And yes it sucks and this is the first time I’ve let myself admit it.
  7. I'm flying across the country and finally seeing a Panthers home game for the first time in my life, so I'm excited. I bought into the hype in the offseason and thought CJ vs Bryce would be fun. Didn't think we'd be coming into the game 0-6 but still looking forward to it.
  8. Yes because I'm a Carolina Panthers fan and I enjoy football. At the end of the day it's all pointless. If it's really impacting your life that bad you shouldn't be watching.
  9. Rookies always take time. This is obvious to anyone that has watched sports for more than 5 years. Relax.
  10. I picked the Texans game. I live on the other side of the country and it’ll be my first Panthers game in Charlotte. Can’t wait!
  11. Worried about this game. Being Peyton's last one and all... To many times a legendary players wins the final game and rides off into the sunset.
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