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Everything posted by MichaelNewtonII

  1. if there's only 12 balls how did the Colts not get to use the deflated ones at all... they would've gotten that ass beat regardless of how much air was in the balls
  2. Texas state is a backup option for me as well I'll get accepted there too no doubt but if possible I'd like to go to asu, been wanting to go there since 8th grade
  3. oh yeah hit me up again if you ever want some more fanduel lineups for nba, I need to do some research first haven't been paying nearly as much attention to nba during this panthers winning streak
  4. nah man my education comes first and foremost my gpa for high school is a 3.7
  5. thanks man, yeah that's part of the reason asu is my top choice is I've heard a lot about how much fun it is. After being in this hell hole el paso Texas coming up on 5 years now I just want to enjoy the college life to the fullest
  6. i know how this works! Haha but man will it be good to see some fine white girls again, sadly there are none in el paso Texas , been here 5 years since I left raleigh
  7. one plus is I've already passed my AP English III test last year so I won't have to take that in college and also I'm currently taking ap english iv and AP calculus so hopefully I pass those as well.
  8. I'm going for 4 year BSN degree, well if everything works out where I can pay for it. & yeah Jase I get you and don't want to be in that predicament if I can avoid it.
  9. that's why I was considering armed forces because I have no idea at how I'm going to pay off my tuition
  10. Okay, I'm a senior in high school and I have been accepted to my #1 school of choice, Arizona State University to major in nursing, and I would be an out of state student. The average cost for out of state tuition for undergrads this year are shown in the picture... and this scares me, I have no idea how I am going to get this type of money to pay for my education, I will be submitting a FAFSA as soon as my mother receives her tax return so hopefully that will help but it will not cover the full cost so I don't know what I'm going to do to pay the rest of my costs.. I had talked about joining the reserves with my moms friend who is retired army and currently a reserve, so the military can pay for my education but was told (not sure 100% if this is true) that if the reserves pay for your education they'd want a commitment of 4-6 years after, which I do not want to do, so I really have no idea what to do, do you guys have any suggestions on what I can do to get the money to pay for my education? I'm really stressing about it and my mom doesn't have the experience with this because she didn't attend college. Thanks for the help
  11. Charlotte is awesome

  12. Jeremy Lin did it big for his teammates this christmas
  13. i think losing that weight hurt him more than helped him
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