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Everything posted by Jangler

  1. And your an asshole. But I can loose the weight.

  2. The green hole is in Columbia SC, an old mining shaft that filled up with water. That looks a lot like it.

  3. That looks like the Green Hole!

  4. You don't like the O face?

  5. In August she will be 20.....shheeesh.
  6. You know that your sig is a red X, right?

  7. I thought you were already on my friends list.

  8. aaawwww need another friend?

  9. You know LIAG, I was thinking the same thing!

  10. A running theme, or ir a running stream?
  11. I don't get any of this. But wiki says that's a good thing.
  12. That is cool. I thought it was photoshop at first.
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