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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Wiggins has looked awesome these last two games. Played solid D on Harden the other night a few times that I saw and now tonight in NO he has 20 so far through 3 T-Wolves might be legit in a few years with the young talent they have on the team. I can only assume they'll also have a high pick in next years draft as well
  2. Mike Trout wins AL MVP!!! Well deserved!
  3. After blowing our international pool on some loser Baldoquin, Arte better be ready to go all in and sign Moncada! Have yet to read anything that get my excited about Baldoquin and after watching his 10 minute showcase video I'm even less impressed. Warning track power!
  4. Yeah second sickest... Vancouver Grizzlies first jerseys were the best. Choked the day they moved. Were my team until they left for Memphis. But I will agree Charlotte did have some nice retro's as well
  5. I bet, it literally felt like someone stabbed me in the back
  6. I live in Winnipeg so nowhere near Asheboro. As you may remember I fried my hands on a BBQ in August and have ran out of favors from my gf haha. So far it's obvious that I need to keep moving around. As soon as I lay down it locks up and I'm down for the count. But yeah I'm working on the massage thingy.
  7. Holy eff. Just threw out my lower back putting down weight at the gym. I've never felt anything like this before. Fugging pos body, couldn't take better care of the damn thing and I can just tell it's about done. 26 years old. Roman Harper syndrome.
  8. Game 3 is CJ "nibbler" Wilson vs James "Big Game" Shields. I truly felt that if the Royals took one at the Big A we'd be f*cked. Sooooo yeah
  9. Give Hamilton the Vernon Wells treatment after this season. Guy has no business being out there. 4 consecutive innings we get a man at 2nd and fail to drive him in. Scioscia has Calhoun (arguably our best clutch hitter) bunt with a 3-1 count in the 8th. Trout and Pujols nowhere to be found. You know you're f*cked when Ned Yost out manages you. KC is solid though, super streaky and they're hot right now. Do all the little things right.
  10. Congratulations to the 2014 ALDS champions... The Kansas City Royals
  11. Angels just finished getting swept by the AAAstros. These idiots better get their sh*t together soon, 4 game series starting tonight in Minnesota. A place that hasn't been to kind to them in the recent past. Someone needs to remind these guys they haven't won anything yet.
  12. Shoe!!!!!! Matt Shoemaker first pitcher since Nolan Ryan (in Angels History) to have 3 consecutive starts of atleast 7 innings of scoreless ball!!! If not for Jose Abreu, Shoe would be a shoe in for AL Rookie of the Year
  13. FIFY. We beat them Thursday as well. That was the Sonny Gray/ CJ Wilson matchup but neither got a decision
  14. Rasmus-Roth-Herrera-Salas-Grilled Cheese-Jeppy-Smith-Street! 3 hit Shutout! Big time win by the bullpen! I was pretty pissed about not adding Bart, and still think we need to add a fifth starter. There's no way you can do this to your bullpen every fifth day. Hoping we can stretch Rasmus' arm out a bit more and he could possibly give us 5 next time out. Waiver trade deadline is today, really hoping JD pulls the trigger on something.
  15. Yes sir The thicker the plate the heavier. I don't do crossfit but realized this when I saw PK Subban doing shoulder press with the bar and 3 plates on each side in a commercial. Knew there was absolutely no way those were 45lbs plates
  16. Haha been there done that! I always splurge on Sundays and sooooooometimes Saturdays too, depends how much cardio I did the previous week. But I've easily put away a bag of fudgee-o's or Oreo's on a Sunday as an appetizer, so don't feel bad. I literally try to eat as much crap as I can on Sundays so that I don't even want to look at junk food for the next week. Seems to work for me, I hammer cardio Monday and by Tuesday I feel fine again!
  17. Thanks man, ill look into that. Yeah, I never run on concrete. There's a soccer field behind my place that I run around if I run outside. My knees can't handle concrete. Tredmills don't seem to be all that bad because some do have a little bounce. But yeah, 26 and shitty knees isn't exactly a great sign. Maybe I just start cycling more or something too, because like you said, thinking long term I would like to be able to walk pain free at 50.
  18. Yeah and my brother isn't some juice monkey or anything. He had to add muscle quickly because he's shorter and was playing AAA hockey at the time.
  19. I go through phases with lifting heavy and doing higher reps too. During the summer I focus more on cardio and higher reps, during the winter ill go heavier. But yeah, I need to find something. I feel like I'm just maintaining these days. I'm pretty big on the natural part so it's tough. Maybe ill give creatine another shot. Like you said it fills out your muscles nicely. Those BCAA's I picked up awhile ago have helped with not losing my muscle while doing cardio though. My little brother took dbol with creatine and blew up like a freaking balloon, but I'm not touching dbol.
  20. How often do you do a "cycle" of creatine? Do you feel like you keep your weight after you go off of it? I tried creatine once for about a week but gaining weight hasn't really ever been an issue for me. Not in a good way.
  21. First week back at the gym after 2 weeks off due to my stupid incident. Still tough since I can't use my palms. Going to have the strongest fingers north of the boarder by the time my palms heal. Can only do certain things but I couldn't take anymore time off. Been running lots too just because it's something I can do. This break also did my body some good, I hadn't taken a break longer than 3-4 days in several years. My knee's feel better and so do some other things.
  22. Welp I fell into a BBQ last Thursday at WeFest. Playing football n went to make a catch through a campsite in the dark. Pretty fugging stupid I know. Both my hands are completely fugged. Going to be a struggle not to turn into a slob over the next however long. Goal is to eat one meal a day since ill be burning zero calories a day. I just hope I can hold weight again at some point in my hands. Not working out is the toughest part of all this.
  23. I've cut 9 pounds in the last 2 weeks thanks to a strict diet of alcohol and not eating lol. CountryFest really did a number on me and I got WeFest in Detroit Lakes coming up in August. Been eating like a pig just to get calories back in me and not doing cardio last couple days.
  24. Don't you feel so much better being 175 though? Not sure how tall you are though. I'm 6 feet and I was 225 a couple years ago, dropped to 175 last year and felt awesome. 175 isn't something I can sustain so 200 for me is a perfect weight. I lift somewhat heavy and can still run 20 minutes if needed. Hated being 225, yeah I could push more but it was so inconvenient.
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