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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Well I guess ill take Ryan Harris for a buck Making Gettleman look like a rookie at his own game. Dumpster diving at it's finest
  2. $4 Which is already over paying for this bum but I f*cked up good on being 2 days late so I got a lot of money to burn on losers!
  3. F*ck. I thought this started today and I've been super busy this weekend. Was going all in on Hardy. Jags gunna be sick this year.
  4. Woah am I too late to get in on the Hardy party? Fug thought this started today
  5. Hmmm is pizza day every week? Is it all you can eat? $8 for a monthly membership is worth it for the pizza alone. Spend my cheat day at PF every week for a month and I'm spending $2 a cheat day
  6. Doug Martin and Mike Glennon are both on the block
  7. I'm in Cabo for spring break from the 19-26. I wasn't planning on going anywhere but I'm only going to look this young for so long. Are you just planning on doing round 1 on the 26th or? I'll have to pm you my pick before I take off.
  8. Doing Cabo in a couple weeks for spring break, need to hit the tanning beds and up my cardio just a little! Also, apparently Plant Fitness is coming to Winnipeg! Can't wait to check this place out for a good laugh
  9. Short guy = Steve Smith Huddle logic. Only a select few attack the ball in the air as well as Smitty. Last year people labeled Cooks as the next Steve Smith, Smith is on a whole different level than most. He's strong and has calves the size of bowling balls.
  10. Crossfit must be so hard on your joints. I don't even bother trying it because I know my knees wouldn't be able to handle it.
  11. Baseball season officially starts today!!!
  12. Everyone's body is so different. What my body responds to may not work for you. So if that's what works best for you then that's what works best for you. I work out at 530am since its the only time I can get away without it being a headache. So I have some Greek yogurt, flax cereal and banana in the morning. Lean beef, chicken or tuna with rice for late lunch/early dinner and usually something real small in between those two meals. Maybe a protein bar or like said above a shake at some point. Since I burn zero calories throughout the day after my workout is done, my meals get smaller as the day goes on (seems like yours do too). I gain weight very easily so it's important I'm careful with what I eat. What time do you work out at? Your diet seems solid if you wanted to cut weight fast and did cardio. But I'm definitely no nutritionist ha (that's why I asked the question), I basically just stick to whatever seems to work for me. Not much of a label reader but I always check for sodium and stay far away from that. I know I've asked this question before but we all grow tired of eating the same crap daily. I switch up things slightly but the times in which I eat each food group stay the same for the most part.
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