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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. I agree. Everything's closed so I can't tell my foster turds to f*ck off anywhere so I'm forced to look at them all day. Long weekends and holidays, hate them.
  2. That's how I feel about the Strong vs Perriman debate. Strong has the higher floor but Perriman's ceiling is a lot higher.
  3. Would LOVE to get Devin Smith. Plays the deep ball better than anyone else, also has a great vert and has showcased his ability to go up and get it.
  4. Pie for correctly spelling gainz. Do less legs, legs are for pussies. Life's about the bench and knowing you're part of the 225 club or even the 315 club. Life large, die large. But seriously, maybe spread your squat days out to Monday and Friday. I'm thinking if you do that Wednesday workout you're going to be pretty sore if you're just starting out and won't be able to do squats again Friday. I'd personally work in other upper body excercises as well. I'd focus on chest and tri's Monday(with squats), add in a few other shoulder exercises Wednesday(don't do squats, keep the others you have listed) and then scrap bench Friday and focus on back and bi's with squats.
  5. Exactly, there were a few of us high on Perriman before his pro day (draft forum). Everyone that doesn't pay close attention to the draft is just finding out about him because of his 40. There's a lot more to like about Perriman than just his 40. Love the TO comp.
  6. C) None of the above, because you want this guy...
  7. Hill is a body catcher/stiff runner. Perriman is a hands catcher and a fluid/smooth runner. With all due respect the Hill/Perriman comparison is a very lazy one. If you want to compare someone on our roster to a WR prospect I think Boykin and Strong are much more similar
  8. 2nd last part I agree with. We can only hope everything finally clicks and being in a good environment helps him out. I get that Miami was a mess of a situation but I'm not sure why the Niners gave up on him so quickly when he's still under his rookie contract.
  9. Would he tell on me though? Just kidding!!!!!!! Obviously not, but I couldn't resist jumping at the opportunity of rustling a few jimmies on this late friday afternoon. But on a serious note, a mean streak isn't something you can just develop. Hanging out with Norwell ain't going to do jack poo, it's something you have or you don't. Like I said I don't mind this signing because of the low risk, I haven't paid any attention to the product Martin brings on the field so I can't bash this signing.
  10. Was Martin brutal in Miami or was it more so the whole "bullying" thing that led to him being traded? I haven't paid attention to him specifically while watching any games so I have no idea. But his pre draft profile speaks highly of him. The 49ers giving up on him so soon isn't a good indication though. Obviously worth a shot with the risk being so low.
  11. Perfect! A 25 year old cry baby, just what this team needed
  12. KB and Parker would make for the greatest jump ball redzone combo in history
  13. I'm not going to go back and forth with you because it's seriously pointless but I will say this... Cam with Mike Wallace would be freaking scary, that's why I wouldn't be mad if we took Devin Smith a lot higher than some would like.
  14. Is this a joke? How about that left tackle they took in the 1st round last year who has been a stud? How about the WR they took in the 2nd last year who had 84 receptions and has arguably one of the best sets of hands in the NFL? How about that guy who had 10tds and is considered one of the better deep threats in the game? Who Tannehill struggled to connect with but he still managed to get 10tds
  15. I hate the Smitty comparisons, the guy has calves the size of freaking beach balls. Smitty's strength is what sets him apart from so many of these other 6 foot and under guys. But I get that you were making the comparison about playing stronger than his size indicates. For a guy Crowder's size I would've liked to have seen a 3 cone time significantly below 7 seconds.
  16. I just can't get behind Strong, just too stiff. He has good deep speed once he gets going (similar to KB) but no explosiveness out of breaks. Isn't going to make anyone miss in the open field either. I do think Perriman's pro day may just drop Parker a bit closer to us.
  17. And I agree with this. But there's a group here that thinks he's here for the next 3 years for sure and I don't think that's the case without a long term deal. Like I said I don't think he'd actually sit out a year or do I think Gettleman would put himself in a situation like that. But Cam could force Gettleman to do something whether it's a long term deal or a tag and trade or let Cam walk.
  18. Don't need to read reports to see that he's a hands catcher, and that's why I feel it's correctable. Perriman is a smooth moving athlete with elite speed and explodes out of breaks. His route running can also be corrected. Perriman plays to his size and can fight through press coverage. Perriman will win on the outsides at the next level and that's not something I can say for a guy like Strong.
  19. Perriman is so much smoother than Patterson in my opinion. I've been on the Perriman bandwagon for quite some time so I'm not surprised he killed his pro day today. Why do you like Strong? Or is it that you just don't like Perriman?
  20. Annnnnd here come all the "witty" posts from the fossils with nothing better to do... So you think Cam would play under a one year contract for the next 3 years?
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