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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. I'm superstitious lol. I bitch they seem to prove me wrong so just gotta keep doing it!
  2. Please don't take a dumb blocking in the back penalty here, and then let CAM NOT WEBB run the 2 min offense
  3. GB will get 7 here can't ask our defense to do much after just forcing a fumble
  4. Could've put the game away but instead Shula finds a way to piss it away and Gano shows his true colors
  5. There ya idiots go that actually defend that f'n moron
  6. Making Starks look like Sanders... Gonna be a long one
  7. Jeez... Anyone else watching Norman's sit down with Champ "Cam hater" Bailey? This dude wants to get PAID! There's not a whole lot of good young corners coming into the league so DG will be in a tough spot this offseason. If DG wants to keep drafting pass rushers and WR's high, he can afford to pay Josh imo
  8. SS and QR are out... Too bad it don't matter how open Ginn can get, still can't catch. I'm honestly looking for Funchess to step up today but I know that's a long shot
  9. 25-30 pounds of muscle??? You'll need to run a few cycles of test for that
  10. Tillman's been getting bailed out by drops all year
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