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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Same thing is going to happen in Miami with Tua
  2. It’s a new pretty Ricky account and I’m not so sure it’s actually him this time
  3. Zach Wilson can’t be worth anything more than a late pick swap at best
  4. Just said same thing in other thread Don’t think much of Fields but for a conditional 6th that can become a 4th… I’d have done that. I’d also have done the Howell trade too
  5. A conditional 6th that can become a 4th… I don’t think very highly of Fields but man I’d take a shot considering he was basically free
  6. I hope not. If we sign him they’ll have convinced themselves they’ve filled that WR1 position and he’ll wind up playing 6 games before getting hurt again
  7. Young has rescheduled his meeting with the Saints…
  8. And here I was loving the Jags 1st round draft that night with Henderson and Chaisson
  9. Ah yeah and then Harbaugh can get his boy JJ somehow
  10. No. Willams is always hurt. Given their cap situation this was a no brainer Allen was due a fortune and is older. Obviously still super productive though This team has been underachieving in the eyes of many for a few years. They’re simply resetting their cap situation and rebuilding around Herbert
  11. Keenan Allen to Chicago I guess you can assume LA goes WR round 1
  12. Seems to be some Aiyuk to Jacksonville talk after they missed out on Ridley
  13. Both Howell and Fields can be had for peanuts and both showed more than Darnold ever did. This dumbass organization traded a freaking 2nd rounder away and then picked up his option smfh They better be right about Bryce. Because these are the type of buy low trades for young QB’s I can get behind. The draft is pretty weak QB wise next year so prices for guys like Howell and Fields might not be so cheap next year
  14. He’s probably comparable to YGM This whole comparing his stats against Burns numbers is insane
  15. Haha yeah I have no idea why it’s so blurry
  16. You guys just see 8 sacks and think he’s like that. He’s not
  17. I want to just keep both picks and not trade quality for quantity After night 1 there’s always a small handful of players you like at the top of round 2. With two picks up at the top I’m keeping them
  18. I hope we run the ball at Burns every single time he’s on the field when we play the Giants with this line We’d run for 400 yards but Burns will be watching from the sidelines long before we reach that number
  19. Same It’ll be the same as when we were winning with Wilks and that run first style again. If we didn’t have a bottom 5 QB we’d be pretty damn good because our run game would open everything up Hell even if we had Fields back there with that type of run game I think we’d be pretty dangerous
  20. No one is crowning them The guy who made this video clearly watches a poo ton of film especially on OL play. It’s nice to see someone who knows what they’re talking about talk up this signings. At the very least we should be able to run the ball. What Bryce decides to do with a little added time… who knows
  21. Really nice video breakdown of both guys. This guy loves both signings. We might win a few games by simply just running the ball like we used to with Sam
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