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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Yogurts good, I forgot that used to be my snack inbetween breakfast and lunch. If you don't mind Greek yogurt it's high in protein. Took me about a month of choking it down to finally not mind eating it. Yeah, ill try and eat a little more for dinner just so I don't end up roaming around the kitchen later in the night. Bananas are definitely something I need to start buying, there a good filler and good after a workout.
  2. Curious to know what some of your guys meals look like during a regular day? Last year when I was cutting like crazy I was on the good ol chicken and spinach, egg whites, and more chicken diet. Now that I'm just trying to maintain my weight and don't drink protein shakes or any of that stuff. I usually have a vector bar before the gym just for energy and just to get something in me since I work out first thing in the morning. Then I usually have a sandwich on whole wheat bread with spinach and chicken or I will have pasta with a decent amount of extra lean ground beef in it. Dinner ill have eggs and some toast or which ever one of my usually 2 lunch thingys I didn't have. I also eat alot of Mini Wheats, I love cereal and milk and I always will. I often get lazy and just have Mini Wheats for many meals since there's no sodium in Mini Wheats. Oh yeah, and sometimes ill just quickly pop a can of tuna in my mouth for lunch if I'm feeling really lazy or just want some protein. I rarely eat junk food and if I do I designate a day of the week to do it (cheat day). With Xmas just passing, I had my fair share of crap and haven't craved anything like candy or chocolate since. I'm not a calorie counter and never will be, but I do watch my sodium intake and always checking the amount of sodium in something before I buy it. I hate cooking and have no issues with eating the same crap daily. Just curious what some of you guys eat?
  3. Merry Xmas Gym Rats! It's ok to cheat for the next 48 hours... As long as you make it a Tredmill Thursday!
  4. Good call, legs will definitely tire you out for the day. Yeah, I think ill start taking Saturday's off instead now. I get so restless just laying around the house watching football all day. Not like those pre game shows are any good anyway, so its not like we're missing anything.
  5. Sunday is usually my day off but Im going to try something new today. Gonna go to the gym right now and hopefully exhaust the crap out of myself so Im too tired to yell at the TV this afternoon.
  6. Haha that's an awesome story! Thank god my girlfriend and I go to different gyms.
  7. Ah hadn't seen this thread or forgot it was here, normally just stay in the main forum. Nice to see some of you hit the gym. I'm in the gym 5-6 times a week for the better part of the morning. A few years ago I was all about getting as big as possible (naturally) and was benching 315lbs 6 times in a set. I was 6 foot and roughly 225llbs. Some of that 225 was fat due to being done high school and not playing sports anymore. So 2 years ago I cut out almost all sodium and carbs for a whole year. Got down to 175lbs, and was running every day. I wanted a fresh start and wanted to re shape my body so I figured just completely starting over was the best way. I'm back up to 200lbs, I eat clean as hell and do everything naturally. I work out because I enjoy it and need to release stress and helps tire me out. Those days of going to the gym and lifting with spots and that crap are over for me. Don't get me wrong I still work out hard as hell but it's a different kind of work out now with more reps and cardio and super setting.
  8. I'm sad to say I think you may be right about Stewart
  9. Agreed. This was a great victory for these guys. Turnover on a punt, interception, missed FG, fumbled twice on the last drive, dropped balls, all things that in the past would have crippled this team. They battled and scrapped out a win. I haven't been this excited in a looooong time.
  10. I am one of the biggest Cam nut huggers here. I just saw the play once and then chucked my phone didn't see the replay. But that's good to know. Thanks.
  11. Wooooooooooo! What a fuc king game by the defence. Panthers win and my phone comes back to life after I threw a fastball into the couch after the cam fumble. So effing stoked right now! That defense though... Just wow
  12. OMG. Thank you Mikey!!! I fugging love you right now.
  13. Way to come back and hit the next Gano! Nice kick
  14. Jesus Shula. I'm not sure how some of you can defend him when he is running sweeps against a fast DL with an indecisive DWill on the cusp of FG range
  15. Not even sure why the wildcat play is in our play book with a QB like Cam
  16. Such an easy play to read on third down. I don't even know if I could fault the defence if they end up letting the Niners score here. They've done all they can.
  17. 12/12 for kicks that don't matter. 0/1 on pressure kicks. Still the same oh no Gano
  18. So throwing on third and short is smart? Worked so well last week right? You have newton and Tolbert and Stew, you run the ball. Good teams are able to run even when the defence knows it's coming
  19. Shula getting away from what has been working the last 4 weeks
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