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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Yeah there's definitely some side effects to test that I'm not cool with.
  2. I literally have a mental fight with myself once a month about it lol. Well just went out and bought my BCAA's, hopefully this crap helps
  3. Yeah, plus if you take roids you're most likely never going to want to come off because you'll never want to shrink in size once you get a taste of that steroid body. Pretty much what I'm afraid of.
  4. Steroids are something I really don't ever want to take, i enjoy working out and enjoy living a healthy lifetstyle, but goddam is it ever tempting sometimes.
  5. Yah that's pretty much what I've gathered as well. I eat a normal amount but I started running alot again because nothing helps me cut more and immediately I start to lose muscle. I'm hoping this lets me keep my "pump" while doing cardio daily.
  6. Thanks. My buddy takes them and likes them but he doesn't do as much cardio and has a higher body fat %. So I'm not really sure what to make of them.
  7. So as I said before I usually cut for the summer. Does anyone here take BCAA's? I'm thinking about giving them a try, can't hurt right?
  8. They've had a good week against Atlanta. Maybe that pathetic "brawl" sparked a light under their asses. I do find it stupid that Farrell made a big fuss about the Rays stealing third in a 5 run game. The next day Boston was down 6-1 and came back to win. F'n Halos are the M's b!tches this year. The fact that the fat man still plays Ibanez makes me sick. I'd say the same about Pujols but with what they're paying him the only hope I got is retirement. Hopefully Hamilton gets back soon, suffered a setback in a rehab start. Anyway, I fully expect the sox to get back to their winning ways where I'm just hanging on over here in halo land.
  9. I roughly do the same thing. I just have a vector bar and a coffee as I drive to the gym. My body reacts better to coffee than most pre workout supplements (haven't tried a wide variety tho). I prefer doing cardio on a empty stomach as well, but if I don't put anything in my stomach I start feeling a little weak during my workout. So i just have a vector bar to give me a little energy. I usually have a can of tuna and some brown rice after my workout so I know food's coming.
  10. Hopefully Darrin Reaves can be what we hoped Barner would be
  11. Haven't read through this in awhile, hope everyone's doing good. Do many of you change up your workouts and diets for the summer? Just about beach season up north here! The great life of sandwhiches and pasta are coming to an end. Now it's chicken stir fry and cans of tuna for the next couple of months. Really going to try and keep alot of the muscle I gained over the winter but we'll see. As I do more and more cardio combined with my carb intake being lowered I do lose my muscle and strength even though I continue with my usual workouts. But it's just for a few months, summer here blows.
  12. @josephperson: Panthers expected to sign Canadian OT David Foucault, who was at rookie minicamp as a tryout player.
  13. I refuse to wear gloves, just a personal preference thingy. But I'm just gunna bring chalk in next time, not like ill make a mess so it shouldn't be a big deal. But I got 315 up 3 times... its a good start!
  14. Crappy thing about my gym is that he doesn't allow chalk. Chalk makes such a huge differene when benching or doing most things.
  15. Running is what help me cut weight the fastest when I slimming down to nothing to start fresh. But I've recently had a change in plans and have decided to bulk up again. Plus it's helps with me job if I'm bigger. But anyway, I don't have great knees to begin with and I ran the other day to sweat out some alcohol and for the last few weeks I've had to tape my knees. I'm 26 and walking around the gym with tape on my knees to hold them in place lol! I swear I have the body of an 80 year old man. But I've been going heavy again, and I've already put on about 20 pounds slowly since Xmas. I have a thicker build so it's easy for me to gain good weight as long as it's good calories I'm putting into my body. Starting benching again last week for the first time in forever. Going for 315 a few times today, pretty pumped to get there and do this. Miss benching, but had to stop because my chest seems to grow faster than all my other muscles.
  16. Slamming the weights on cables or machines is probably my number 1 pet peeve at the gym, right up there with the idiots that walk around like their lats are 10x bigger than they actually are.
  17. My buddy is on just about everything under the sun right now so I'm lifting heavier again to try and keep up. Kind of at an unfair advantage so I don't expect to win this. But I was able to hammer out 4-5 reps of Arnold's with 70's the other day. Was kind of pumped about that. My buddy is doing 80's not sure if that reachable but ill keep trying. Focusing on shoulders and legs lately. Doing Leg press just about every second day now. For OnlypantherfaninMaine I had the same problem with appetite and crap. But I literally just toughed it out for a month or so and my appetite decreased and my stomach definitely shrunk. I found it hard to start bulking again because I couldn't eat big meals. But I also know people that do the 2 hour thing like Mr.Belding said. All about finding what works best for you.
  18. Read some of you guys take your kids to the gym, I have 3 foster kids and just got a family membership at my gym for them. My 13 year old enjoys it and has been coming with me everyday now for 2 weeks. The other two are loss causes, just keeping them out of jail is good. But he's concerned because one of his "pecs" is bigger than the other lol. But at that age typically which every side is dominant one is going to be bigger. He mainly likes to go for the scenery though, so he's the perfect workout partner for me.
  19. I seriously have about 4 bowls of cereal a day. I love cereal and milk and there's no chance I stop eating it. Usually eat mini wheats if I wanna keep it clean, Vector or some Almond oatmeal crisp for a treat. Vector is heavy so I won't eat that after dinner. Might have to try out your recipe though. Does it taste ok? Obvious answer would be "yes, or why would I eat it" but if you're like me, if it tastes good that's usually a bonus.
  20. No.... But seriously those stair climbers are a hell of a workout. Sometimes I find those stairs harder than actual running.
  21. Yep, it's all about getting in a good routine. Eventually after awhile you'll feel crappy for not going to the gym.
  22. I love chewing gum and actually can't workout without it. But I remember someone telling me that chewing gum triggers something blah blah blah and your body thinks it's getting food when it's not (which isn't good). I'm guessing you have a bit of a stomach ache after chewing gum all morning before eating lunch?
  23. What time do you workout at? I cut out bread for a whole year. Honestly the hardest thing I've ever done. It was easier to cut out junk food. I love breakfast, I try to have mini wheats or a vector bar before the gym. I need something or I just feel weak and tired at the gym.
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