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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. I'm in Cabo for spring break from the 19-26. I wasn't planning on going anywhere but I'm only going to look this young for so long. Are you just planning on doing round 1 on the 26th or? I'll have to pm you my pick before I take off.
  2. Doing Cabo in a couple weeks for spring break, need to hit the tanning beds and up my cardio just a little! Also, apparently Plant Fitness is coming to Winnipeg! Can't wait to check this place out for a good laugh
  3. Short guy = Steve Smith Huddle logic. Only a select few attack the ball in the air as well as Smitty. Last year people labeled Cooks as the next Steve Smith, Smith is on a whole different level than most. He's strong and has calves the size of bowling balls.
  4. Crossfit must be so hard on your joints. I don't even bother trying it because I know my knees wouldn't be able to handle it.
  5. Baseball season officially starts today!!!
  6. Everyone's body is so different. What my body responds to may not work for you. So if that's what works best for you then that's what works best for you. I work out at 530am since its the only time I can get away without it being a headache. So I have some Greek yogurt, flax cereal and banana in the morning. Lean beef, chicken or tuna with rice for late lunch/early dinner and usually something real small in between those two meals. Maybe a protein bar or like said above a shake at some point. Since I burn zero calories throughout the day after my workout is done, my meals get smaller as the day goes on (seems like yours do too). I gain weight very easily so it's important I'm careful with what I eat. What time do you work out at? Your diet seems solid if you wanted to cut weight fast and did cardio. But I'm definitely no nutritionist ha (that's why I asked the question), I basically just stick to whatever seems to work for me. Not much of a label reader but I always check for sodium and stay far away from that. I know I've asked this question before but we all grow tired of eating the same crap daily. I switch up things slightly but the times in which I eat each food group stay the same for the most part.
  7. Not very often. I drink them if I'm too lazy to make something to eat. I get most of my protein from what I eat. Your body can only properly digest so much protein so I don't have any set times or anything like that. Follow up question, what do your guys' meals typically look like? Do you eat the same thing everyday?
  8. Funny how Rapoprt is the one to break this. Our beat writers are useless
  9. Shoulder injuries are the freaking worst, hope it heals for you sooner rather than later
  10. I've become a bench bro... I go through phases at the gym, like a damn chick goes through outfits before going out. I go through phases of light lifting and more cardio and then when winter comes around I always want to bulk. Anyway, for the last month I've been doing bench every 2nd or 3rd day and it's already making a huge difference with my overall strength and body shape. I've added more cardio as well and run usually 20 minutes before every workout. With summer being over I'm not out crushing dingers like Jose Canseco every 2nd night at beer league softball so my knees are holding up a lot better. Seems like other than being sick you all were able to keep it up over the holidays! Love the gym over the holidays because they're usually empty but once January rolls around we have a whole new crowd... Have you used those chains while benching, Darth? My gym doesn't have them but I've been curious for some time how they are
  11. I worry about his ability to create separation at the next level. I love his hand strength though and that would benefit Cam. I would just prefer someone with speed. Like I said, we already have KB give some playmakers now.
  12. I haven't been on the fence about a prospect as much as I am with Strong since Kenny Vaccaro
  13. No to Strong and No to Funchess. We need more speed at the WR position. We already have our big WR in Kelvin now give me a guy like Devin Smith or Phillip Dorsett or even Jamison Crowder in the late rounds. You see guys like TY Hilton, Antonio Brown and Odell Beckham tearing it up each week because they all have that second gear. As for the 1st round pick, I'd love a OT but that seems unrealistic now considering where we are picking so give me Shaq Thompson!
  14. Yep My brother and dad both have huge legs. Long story as to why i had to stop playing but my gf was big into hockey too and hates her hockey thighs, calves and butt now. If you want big legs hit the ice for an hour a day
  15. Yeah I can't imagine Shields has much left in the tank and I'm sure he's asking for atleast a 4 year deal. Scherzer I want absolutely no part of. I think he's overrated and a team would be stupid to give him a 200 million dollar contract. Hamels seems like the best option out there for teams like ours. However, I want the Angels to hold off till next off season when there will be a better selection of FA starting pitchers. My dream would be Cueto but with the Reds trading Latos I doubt Cueto ever sees free agency. Also Jeff Samardzija is someone I really like.
  16. Do you want the Dodgers to sign Shields or trade for Hamels or just stay with what they got now?
  17. Yep Howie from everything I've ever heard is a class act. I had heard something about what you mentioned but now that you're saying it too it totally makes sense why they traded him. I like what the dodgers have done this offseason. Rollins and Howie like you said will definitely help out in the clubhouse something that the dodgers needed
  18. Totally, just talking about the future rotation. All the guys I mentioned are young and are under club control from the next good while
  19. Stoked about the future rotation of this team! Richards Shoemaker Heaney Skaggs Tropeano Wildcard: Santiago Love what Dipoto has done. It's no secret the Pujols and Hamilton signings were all Arte. Once Arte stepped back Dipoto has been able to really work. I really hope the Halos sign Moncada and one other starting pitcher.
  20. And fwiw last I saw, Heyman tweeted rumours are that all these moves the Dodgers are making are to sign Shields. I think he tweeted it 2 nights ago though so who knows if that's dead or not
  21. Can't say I'm upset to see Howie go. I know on paper his numbers looked pretty good but this guy frustrated me almost as much as CJ Wilson does. He'll hit into his fair share of double plays and I won't miss watching him chase that breaking ball in the dirt. A FA next season I'm glad the Angels flipped him while they did.
  22. Cueto is my dream trading target for the Angels. But even Cueto has had his injuries. I'm a huge Hanley fan and always have been but again, he needs to stay healthy and at 31 he isn't getting any healthier. Would love Yoenis but no one is going to be taking Hackilton off Arte's books anytime soon so I'm basically stuck with that loser for the next 3 years. I'm interested to see where the sox go from here. Definitely jealous, they have all the pieces now to go and land some serious pitchers and have solid bats in the lineup. I saw SF might go and get Lester now with the money they've saved on Panda
  23. Nationals are said to be open to trading Zimmerman or Fister. Angels should center a package around Mr.GIDP Howie Kendrick since the Nationals are lacking at 2nd. I personally don't see how Howie fetches either one of those guys but the Nationals are also loaded in the pitching department down on the farm. If they aren't planning on signing Zimmerman long term they may as well get something for him.
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