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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Didn't want him last year, don't want him this year
  2. Got to think the deal Davon House got has Josh Norman smiling from ear to ear
  3. Wow! I have to think the end game in all this for them is Mariota. So I'm surprised they wouldn't jump on this so they could combine the picks and try to move up. Again, thanks for the updates, they're greatly appreciated.
  4. I'm not a calorie counter either but I'm very conscious of my protein intake and sodium intake. Everyone's different but I cut weight pretty quickly once I limited my sodium intake the best I could. Don't starve yourself with salads either, add a chicken breast to your salads and get some protein in your body, it'll help. But yeah, no one enjoys cardio but it's kind of a must when trying to lose weight. I HATE running and my knees and ankle barely allow me to run but it's a must for me.
  5. Yeah, 22 years old and basically had a 1000 yard season last year. Man would I love to have him!
  6. I wonder if they offered Stills, he's someone I'd love to have if the price isn't too high
  7. 2nd year of a rookie deal on a team in cap trouble, I'd be shocked if they offered him
  8. Do you eat healthy? A good diet and half hour or so on the gain robber every day and I'd have to think you'll notice a difference quickly And like pstall said, green tea is good too, I'm not a fan but my gf drinks a ton of it
  9. Probably safe to say anyone not named Cooks was offered
  10. Isn't Gettleman's philosophy to address holes during FA so he can go BPA during the draft? Sign Bowe, Crab or Stevie as insurance incase someone doesn't fall so you're not caught reaching in the draft for a WR. Probably safe to assume DGB if off our board and Strong may be gone by 25. Agholor, Smith and Perriman may be a reach at 25 and could be gone by our 2nd round pick. At the very worst one of the 3 guys I mentioned could be serviceable at the #2 spot Bowe has had many good seasons, I'm not about to write him off because of last year with Alex Smith. Crab doesn't thrill me but he'd be my last resort, Johnson is the one I want
  11. Can you point out where I said anyone of those players names in my post? Bowe, Crab and Stevie are the 2nd tier guys I am talking about, try learning how to read. And yay for dick jokes!
  12. The truth is no one knows what he'll be asked to do. Some made peace with the Cotchery signing because they thought at best he'd be the number 3 and not the number 2. Looking at Boykin you'd think there's no way he'll be anything more than a 4/5 guy but this is the same staff that trotted out Bersin (with him being the first look) on the most important 3rd down play of the year. The people who are complaining do have a valid concern imo and the people who are "it's just March" well better not be the same people blaming Cam when he throws a INT when targeting Boykin on a crucial 3rd down in October. We need a legit number 2 so we can groom our next rookie and take some of the load of Kelvin. This has been no secret since the day we drafted KB. Voth says we aren't interested in any of the 2nd tier guys and that's what frustrates some of us. I'll make peace with Dwayne Bowe or Crabtree but please Gettleman, go get us Stevie Johnson!
  13. Would've been a nice signing imo. Worilds can get to the QB and at 26 he's just entering his prime as a pass rusher.
  14. Haha just bugging you, I knew there must've been a solid reason as to why you thought he was coming here. Seriously can't believe he's retiring though, 26 and coming off a solid season
  15. Left to Right Locker, Trout and Calhoun!!!! Get it done Dipoto!!!!!
  16. Dallas would be awesome, can't go wrong with either
  17. Jesus 5 years!?!? He's going to be 30 by the time week 1 rolls around
  18. Haha!!! Were you ever able to convince the wife on Jax?
  19. You guys are all shitting on TarHeel because he's new but many here share the same opinion as him. The Panthers haven't done much to help Cam out in 4 years, if he is offered anything close to what Carolina offers him I'm not sure why he'd choose to stay here. Just to name a couple... Jets, Texans and Titans are all teams I'm sure that would be willing to open their cheque books
  20. LOL The fatman is just trolling us at this point
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