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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Read he was choosing between Pats and Chargers today, maybe with Allen and Johnson they won't go WR in the 1st now. If we can grab Perriman at 25, I actually think we're good. Ideally I'd like to see Cotchery cut and try and sign Crabtree on a "prove it" deal coming off a down year (partly due to his injury and partly due to Kaep) just to give our rookie some time to develop. Mentioned this yesterday but we really missed Ginn last year, he made a lot of big grabs on 3rd down and was our deep threat. I'd also welcome Greg Jennings if it meant cutting Cotchery, Jennings could be that solid vet we were hoping Cotchery would be
  2. Neither do I, what do we have left after putting aside money for rookies? 5 million? Teddy Williams was essentially Gettleman waving the white flag and showing us what to expect.
  3. I'm interested to see what kind of contract he gets, but yeah he's my choice too. Stevie Johnson would be ideal but I'm guessing he'd forsure cost way too much.
  4. Don't like Nicks at all, didn't want him last offseason don't want him this time around. I'd take Jennings over Cotchery because like you said he's slightly better. Out of those three though I like Crabtree based on skill, he's got solid hands. However, I'm thinking Crabtree gets a decent contract now that I've seen Kenny Britt get one. You?
  5. Greg Jennings just got released I'm sure someone will start a thread right away for it
  6. Maybe the Saints could work out some sort of deal for Kendricks involving Keenan Lewis (who they're having issues with). Eagles then have Lewis and Maxwell at corner and the Saints get a LB and could still sign Tramon Williams (who they've been linked to)
  7. Yep, most foot longs at subway will have anywhere from 1500mg's of sodium to well above 2000mg's, you won't find anything under 1500mg. And if you're watching sodium or trying to lose weight, you cut bread completely out of your diet, atleast I do.
  8. Has anyone else tried Epiq Power's pre workout supp? It's made by the same company that produces MuscleTech products just under a different name. I'm not a huge fan of taking anything other than protein and don't often need a pwo to get pumped to go to the gym, but after coming back from Cabo a couple weeks ago my energy level was in the gutter. My little brother ballooned up pretty good recently (I swear he's back on dbol but he'll deny it all the way to the grave) but says he's been taking this Epiq Power pwo, so I bought some the other day. This pwo has some hydrochloride creatine in it (could be how he got a little bigger) but it isn't suppose to retain as much water as monohydrate creatine would. Anyway, been on it all week and have gained all my weight back that I lost in Mexico. Up the dosage to 2 scoops today and I had my best workout in a long time. Just curious if anyone else has given it a shot? I know you like creatine Darth, do you stick with the mono or the HCL stuff?
  9. Trade for Wallace, draft White or Cooper and that solves their WR problem
  10. Is Wallace still considered a weapon? If so, then no
  11. Peterson... You mentioned this in the other thread or was it this one, I can't remember
  12. I think the Saints would have to include a first rounder in this scenario
  13. For Weeks? The only thing Miami could get a few weeks works worth of headlines out of is if they traded Tannehill... Which could make sense since they just gave Suh, Tannehill's contract. So Tannehill to Tampa for number 1 pick
  14. All the Niners do is add talent for Kaep, they just signed Torrey Smith and I'm guessing Steve Johnson may be back with them as well but if not Boldin and Smith are a legit 1-2 NFL combo. Of the 9 teams you listed the 3 teams that have had success all have surrounded their young QB's with weapons. It's amazing Cam has been able to have success with what has been put around him, now just imagine if they properly addressed those issues! And that's what frustrates me, if they would surround Cam with actual weapons we may just be able to beat teams like Seattle and GB
  15. Philly isn't a number 2. Like you said that's as we sit right now but if come September and we're banking on any of the guys we got right now to step up and be a number 2 we're going to run into the exact same problems we did last season.
  16. Haha I'm sure Rapoport was in a real hurry to get this jaw dropper out there!
  17. @RapSheet: #Panthers are signing CB Teddy Williams to a 2-year deal worth up to $2.3M. $900K in year 1. Never played college football, 1 NFL snap on D.
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